His Present Solo Exhibitions are:
2007 Gallerie Noia (Sweden, Malmö)
2009 Skolgatansölkafé (Sweden, Malmö)
2010 Woracziczky (Austria, Vienna)
2010 GRB Langman (Austria, Vienna)
Danny Hennesy is a person not easily categorize...
But he usually call him self a Hippie even though he doesn´t really like to be categorized!?
Can you see that his pathernal part of the Family came from a circus?
He was born a Mamal Human but feels Alien, although he likes Humans...
He belives that some day his Brothers and Sisters from His own Planet will come back for him...
Danny Hennesy hates: sexism, Homophobia, Racism and Xenofobia...
but since only the one who is free from sin can stone the perpetrator, he doesn´t throw stones that often???
Danny Hennesy Loves his New Home city of Vienna, although the language is beautyful it is kind of hard to lean...
But he says Like Manuel: "Eventually I´ll Learn!"
He likes to take on diffrent shapes based on his own original shape...
He is a Warrior but would rather just live in Peace
As you can see he is very pretty in Lipstick...
but now a days he doesn´t wear makeup that often
Sometimes the sun shines on Danny Hennesy...
...and the he reflects it like a Rainbow and shines Like a star...
other days he might be Grey and Dull, this I guess is Reflected in his ART...
if Danny Hennesy could choose a name or -ism for his art style...
...that would be: "What the F-ckism"
Here is a Picture with Danny Hennesy posing with his first book cover ever...
...the picture used for the cover is Named: "Abstract Bodies (female)"
"Signifying Bodies disability in contemporary life Writing" is the name of the book
the Author is named: G. Thomas Courser
and it is released by Michegan press
I am Danny Hennesy
Danny Hennesy can speak Language with his mouth and also write in a few Languages...
so if you have some questions or simmilar kind of stuff that you would like to send him...
send it to: pinkfrogsinheaven@hotmail.com
Flower Power!
Or Continue to one of theese...