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Jews And Christians On The Front Line


As most will be aware, during August the BBC aired a number of programmes focussing on Islam both in its history and in contemporary scene. There is no doubt that these were superbly presented. The impression generally given was that Islam, both historically and today, was a peaceful religion which has given huge benefits to human history since its birth and which today promises to benefit British society. While it is true that there have been times when Christians and Jews have lived more or less harmoniously within a Moslem society, and while it is also true that there are today kind and thoughtful Muslims who do seek to live peaceably with their non-Muslim neighbours, this is not the basic fundamental nature of Islam. The fact is that intolerance with non-Muslims is one of the basic tenets of Islam, and that whenever Islam seeks to return to its foundational primitive framework, it returns at the same time to intolerance and, using its own word, Jihad. There are two aspects of contemporary Islam of which it will be good for Christians today to be reminded.


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