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Hay everyone! This is my misc page. In other words while surfing around my page havent you ever once thought to yourself, or asked outloud depends on how quacky you are, what does this nut think about?!?! Well thats why Im calling this page "Dont you ever wonder what I think..." Itll give you a little bit of an idea of what I think about. Unless you know me youll never really know. Crap. Even if you do youll never really know. Oh well. ENJOY!!!

this is my thoughts on Hanson haters

Im a proud MOE member. Marching on into the MOEllenium!!!

Maybe this is true...maybe its not.
A girl can dream cant she!?!?

That looks like me in the morning! *lol*

*hehe* This reminds me off my friend Necy when shes being weird. *lol*

Disco dancing elmo!
*Go Elmo! Go Emlo!*