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Chapter 28

Swaying room
As the music starts
Strangers making the most
Of the dark
Two by two their bodies
Become one …
-Madonna, “Crazy for You”

When Rutner Publications threw a party, they were serious about it.

Dinner turned out to be prime rib, which Cameron remarked was the best thing they had ever served in his tenure. Waiters continued to pass with trays of champagne, and Isaac allowed himself another glass at dinner. He felt the slight buzz he had gotten in the limo starting to wear off, and he wanted to stay loose for the rest of the evening. If nothing else, he thought, being the littlest bit tipsy would help him to forget that he was starting to intensely dislike Gregor.

If Gregor didn’t approve of the fact that Taryn and Isaac were dating, Isaac thought, he should just keep it to himself. He had never met anyone who could be so snide for so long. If he makes one more crack about my age, Isaac thought, I’m going to snap.

Luckily, the third glass of champagne had the desired effect, and Isaac started to relax again.

Taryn was getting suitably drunk, as was Lindsey. Isaac grinned as he watched the two of them on the dance floor. Taryn was hysterical.

Cam leaned over to Isaac. Although he had been keeping up with the women in the drinking department, he still seemed to be in full control of his faculties.

“Hey, Isaac, I’m sorry about the way Gregor’s acting,” Cam said.

Isaac smiled at Cam. “Don’t sweat it, man,” he said. “I’m here for Taryn, because she asked me to be here. I really care about her. I’m willing to put up with Gregor’s cattiness.”

“We’ve all been friends for a long time,” Cam explained. “Taryn has always needed a little … looking after. She’s real impulsive and she always just does whatever feels good.”

Isaac grinned. “That’s what I like about her.”

Cam looked at the floor. “Say, I may be overstepping my bounds here, but … you know, tonight could be a big night for you and Taryn.”

Isaac raised his eyebrows. “How do you mean?”

“Ike, look. I’ve been at a lot of parties and whatnot with Taryn. I know when she’s headed in a … certain direction.”

Isaac grabbed a fourth glass of champagne from a passing waiter.

“You think that’s where she’s headed with me?”


Isaac met Cameron’s gray eyes. “It’s okay. I’ve got her covered.”

Cam sighed. “Just be careful with her feelings,” he said. “She acts really together, but she gets hurt so easily. She’s been through a rough time. The wounds from the almost wedding are still pretty fresh for her.”

Geez, Isaac thought. I wonder if he’s in cahoots with Tay and Zac. This sounds exactly like the speech they gave Taryn.

“I will,” Isaac promised. “She’s safe with me.”

On the dance floor, a very drunk Lindsey tried to whisper in Taryn’s ear.

“God, Taryn, he is just as cute as the day is long!” she gushed.

Taryn giggled like a 16-year-old. “I know,” she said. Looking around, and sure that no one was close enough to hear the conversation, Taryn decided to take Lindsey into her confidence. “I think tonight’s the night.”

Lindsey stared at her. “You’ve been seeing him for a month and nothing has happened?”

Taryn shook her head solemnly. “I’ve been really good, Lindsey. I haven’t pushed or been aggressive.” She leaned lower. “We haven’t even kissed yet.”

Lindsey cracked up. “You’re shitting me. I would have been on him like white on rice the first time I could have gotten him alone.”

“Nope. I promised myself I was going to take this slowly, and I have.”

“I guess!”

The song they were dancing to ended, and Lindsey and Taryn went back to the table.

Gregor looked at his watch.

“Almost midnight,” he said. “Are we ready to hit some of the post party clubs?”

“I am,” Ron said.

“Us too!” Lindsey piped up.

Taryn, although quite tipsy, knew where she wanted to go, and it wasn’t to a club. She faked a yawn.

“I think we’ll just take a cab home,” she said, winking at Isaac.

Isaac, at the height of his buzz, blushed and looked at the ground.

On to Chapter 29
Back to Chapter 27