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Chapter 37

When you get caught
Between the moon and New York City
I know it's crazy, but it's true
If you get caught
Between the moon and New York City
Best that you can do
Best that you can do
Is fall in love …
-Christopher Cross, “Arthur’s Theme”

Taryn gave herself the once over in the full-length mirror.

She had chosen to go quasi-casual for meeting Isaac’s parents. She was wearing navy blue khakis and a navy and white striped sweater, and had put on little makeup. She had left her hair down, but her bangs were pulled back in a navy blue cloth headband.

She did a turn, and decided that she looked as good as she was going to.

Isaac had kept Iris and Melissa out for most of the morning and into the afternoon. He had showed them some of his favorite hangouts, and they had met up with Zac and Taylor for breakfast. While they were gone, Taryn had finalized her wardrobe choices and had plenty of time to deal with her frazzled nerves.

And now, with the moment of truth drawing near, Taryn was locked up in the hotel bathroom, wondering why she had agreed to do something that was making her so uneasy.

Isaac tapped lightly on the door. “You okay in there?” he asked tentatively.

Taryn flung the door open, and the tears that had been threatening to come all day finally did.

“No,” she wailed. “I’m a mess.”

Isaac gathered Taryn up in a hug. “Oh, no,” he said. “Don’t cry. It’s going to be fine, I promise.” He held Taryn out to look at her. “You look great!” he said enthusiastically.

“Really?” Taryn squeaked out between sniffles. “You’re not just saying that?”

Isaac frowned. “When have you ever known me to say anything that wasn’t completely sincere?”

Taryn smiled a weak, watery smile. “You got me there.”

Isaac took Taryn’s face in his hands. “This is nothing to get upset over,” he said soothingly. “They’re just my parents. I’ll be right there with you, and so will Tay and Zac. You’re going to be fine. They’re going to love you. I promise.”

Taryn sighed heavily and laid her head on Isaac’s shoulder. “Okay,” she said. “I think I’ve got a hold of myself now.”

She stood up tall. “Let’s do it.”

Isaac grinned and started to say something.

“I mean, let’s go to your parents’ place, smart ass,” she said, cutting him off before he could make the obvious joke.

Isaac tapped on the door to the adjoining hotel room Iris and Melissa were sharing.

“Hey, guys, let’s get around and hit the road,” he shouted.

Iris and Melissa appeared seconds later, dressed in the matching outfits of red velvet sheath dresses they had selected for the Hanson’s party.

“Ready!” Iris said happily.
Isaac, ever the girl charmer, let out a low whistle.

“You guys look very pretty,” he said.

Melissa looked at her shoes; Iris beamed.

“Everyone ready?” Taryn asked as she slipped on her jacket.

“Yep, I took the head count and I think we’re all accounted for,” Isaac said.

As Iris and Melissa headed out the door ahead of them, Isaac turned Taryn to face him.

“I love you,” he said. “And this is not going to be as bad as you think it is.”

“Okay,” Taryn said with a smile. “I trust you.”

Isaac kissed Taryn quickly, and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as they headed out into the brisk Tulsa evening.

On to Chapter 38
Back to Chapter 36