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My Information

Name: Katy
Title: Web Page Designer Extraordinaire
Occupation: Employee of Panfork Baptist Encampment, Part-time nursery worker @ my church, & full time procractinator
Religion: Christian (Baptist)
Hobbies: swimming, playing the clarinet or piano, listening to music, swing dancing, hanging out with my friends or b/f
Goals: graduate high school, go to college (hopefully at Wayland), get a job, get married, have kids, go to Paris, learn to play the guitar, bungee jump, go to London, go on a cruise, retire, die and go to heaven, BE HAPPY. (not particularly in that order) That's not too much to ask, is it?

C'est moi!!! It's not a very good picture, I know. We were playing around @ my friends house with his digital camera, and he sent the pics to me (thanks Jeremy).
This is me and my boyfriend Will at the 2000 band banquet.
This is me and my best friend Britany before the 2000 band banquet. (You can check out Britany's peotry on my peotry page.)
Okay, I don't know why you would want to know more about me, but if ya do, here ya go:
If I was rich, I would get a special ceiling above my bed that would open so that I could see the stars. I love the stars; they are soo romantic and amazing.
When I get a place of my own, I want to get a little black-and-tan chiahuahua and name him Killer.
I am:
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