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Garth played with the New York Mets Spring 2000 in Flordia.
He does this to benefit children for a program he founded called
The Touch em' All Foundation
Visit the Touch Em' All Site for more info. Also do your part in this as well, apply for the
Touch Em' All credit card today, or make a donation at the Touch Em' All Site.

[Touch Em' All Foundation Credit Card]

Above are some pictures that a fellow Garth Fan sent me.....These pictures
are nice...however I don't know where he got them, so if they belong to you
Please let me know! I want the person they belong to , to get the credit!! Great Shots!

Take Me To The Ball Game
Main Page/All About Garth/Blast From The Past/Garth's Awards/Award Pics/Links/Pictures/Chris Gaines Territory/Webrings/
