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Stormy's Directory

Thanks y'all for stopping by. In here you will find how to
get about my page.

All About Him-In here you you will find a short bio on the man
Pics of his wife, and three beautiful girls. Also pics of his parents.

What's New With Him-In here you find all the current info on Garth, Tv appearences and
Cd release dates. And anything else the man can venture into, you know Garth!

The Music-In here is where you will find all of Garth's Cd's, pics of the covers
and song titles that are on each one

Awards and Award Pics-On these two pages you will find a list of Garth's
many awards under the year in which he recieved them. Also you will find various pictures taken from the
award shows

A Blast from the Past-well that is exactly what it says! In here you will find out
about many of Garth's past achievements. It is a interesting article from Capital Records.

The Pic's-Yes here is something we all want alot of and in here you will find them
I have six pages filled with glorious pic's of Garth!, so sit back and relax and of course enjoy!

The Links-Oh yes!! what I don't have here I am sure you can find at another "Very Cool" site
In here I have links to terrific pages! Be sure to check those out!

Webrings-Well if you traveled here by a webring then you need to go back to this page to find the
webring you came from, and continue on the path! Oh you didn't come by a webring? well no worries goto this page and go through one
You will find other pages on Garth Brooks or other Country Artists.

Vote!!!!!!-Yes I love to hear from fellow fans, in this section you will find my voting booth.
My question changes often so be sure to check out this often as well.

Chris Gaines- Be sure to stop in here for all the up to date info on the Chris
Gaines project! And for those of you that are going " Chris Gaines , who is that!?!?", well then you defiantly need to stop in here

Sympathy Letters-These are letters to Garth and Family over the loss of Mama Brooks, they are writen by fellow Garth
fans. God Bless everyone who posted. These letters are being put in a book of condolences to be handed to Garth
on his September 28th, 1999 Tonight Show Appearance.Garth has been there for us we are there for him. Thanks to Mike for doing this for us! God Bless
this big hearted Garth fan

Site Awards-These are awards that my site has won. I am very glad and thankful to my vistors for allowing these
to be presented to my page. Thanks!

-COMING SOON!!!!-A Terrific collection of Garth , and Other Artist MIDI's keep a lookout for this

Main Page/All About Garth/Blast From The Past/Garth's Awards/Award Pics/Links/Pictures/Chris Gaines Territory/Webrings/
