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Our Deepest Sympathies Continued

Below are letters of sympathy for Garth and Family in their time of loss.
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Where to begin?It is so unbelievable that she is gone.First, to Garth:I am so sorry for the loss of your Mom.I know how much you loved her.Keep her memories alive.To Sandy:I'm sure you are hurting also.Just know that I think she thought of you like a daughter and loved you very much also,from the things I have read.Taylor,August &Allie:I am so sorry you 3 beautiful little girls lost your grandmother.Always remember her and that she loved you very much.Raymond:I am sure it will be very hard for you afterall she was a part of you and with you all of the time.We will be praying for you and hope you can find some comfort with your family.To all the other family:Always remember her and how much she loved each and everyone of you.You had a wonderful Mother to be able to raise 6 kids and let them all be individuals and have your lives turn out as well as they have.I admire her and your Dad for that because it is not easy.It is never easy to say good-bye but try to think of it like this:she is in a much better place and will never again ever have to suffer like we do.No more pain.My heart goes out to each and every one of you because I know how empty you are feeling right now but comfort each other and you will make it.We love you very much.
Karla Weber

My love and prayers go out to Garth and his family in the loss of mamma brooks. How could we ever thank her enough. She has given us a part of her not only by Garth but by opening up to people she did not know and letting her love shine out on us all. God has blessed the brooks family tremendously by allowing colleen to be the wonderful mother, wife, grandma, and friend that she was. Mamma Brooks thank you for loving us and sharing the most loving and wonderful man. I know that you will live on forever through him. lets all tell that someone that we love just what we're thinking of cause if tomorrow never comes. my god be with you all.

Jamie Jones
Numbers 6:24-26
dreams can come true with gods great angels like you

Ok...for a year I've sat and read and re-read and just admired each and every story I've read about the Garth man. But today - well today is different. When I heard that Mama Brooks past away my heart broke. I have to admit I even cried a bit - something just hurt so deeply that the tears fell before I could even stop them. Then I laid in bed Sunday night and realized what it was. I am a HUGE fan of Garth but never got to see a live performance until April of 99 in Houston. Then I was lucky enough to see the last concert in College Station in Nov of last year. The memory that sticks out most in my mind is not the paper confetti Garth helped shoot out over the isn't the massive array of beach balls that were circulated over the crowd either....not the heartfelt "Thank You" he gave a woman who had written a sign that said "Garth - you've changed my life" was simply THE song. Garth went through a whole speech about his mom's "song" and what it meant to him and that he wanted to sing it live not for us - not for him but for HER. He brought her out on stage...introduced her to us...coaxed his dad out on stage to sit with "mom" and then it happened. The arena went quite and we all watched in amazement as Garth sang to his mother as if NO ONE else was in the room. The heartfelt emotion along with the incredible vocal performance was way beyond any words I could ever use to describe. And the only reaction that was common between all of us watching a mother and son was simple.....TEARS......There was not a dry eye in the house. All I could think was "God what love and respect he has for his mom...I hope my kids love me as much as Garth loves his mother" could just SEE, FEEL, and HEAR the love for her. That was an incredible feeling. We as parents sometimes forget that at some point and time our children will one day look at us as if they were small babies again and bring us back to that deep unconditional love they've always had for us. My heart goes out to Garth and his entire family and this one memory will always stay with me - if nothing else THIS one fan will always remember just how much Garth loves his mother and that in turn will make me a stronger mother knowing that such an unconditional love IS possible. Our hearts - Our prayers - and all our Love to Garth and his family...May God take your pain from you and strengthen you.

"That which does not kill us only makes us stronger"

God Bless you Colleen.
MY thoughts and prayers are with Raymond and entire Brooks Family. Colleen was a Mother that everyone would love to have had. Everytime I hear or see the video "It's Your Song". I remember that night in Texas. When Garth song it to his Mother and Dad. Seeing all the love come out of Garth was beautiful. Colleen was a Great Lady and her smile lit up a room when she walk in. She will be greatly miss and will never be forgotten.

I love you Garth and Sandy

Mary Anne Karrant

Hi all, I have just read the sad news about Garth's wonderful mother. It is so sad to lose a parent, especially one that has been so loving and supporting of her son, as Colleen Carol Brooks was. My heart goes out to Garth and Sandy and the girls, who have lost a loving grandmother, and to Garths father who has lost a wife and friend. and to the rest of the Brooks family. I'm know there are people out here who have a much better ability to put into words, what Mama Brooks meant to everyone, but I needed to say this my own way. God Bless Garth and his family at this sad time take care all

Valerie Smith

Condolences from the Brooks' family for the loss of Colleen Carroll Brooks from the fans of the Brooks' family.

Kevin Henry

My deepest sympathies and condolences go out to Garth and his entire family during this difficult time. I pray that Mama Brooks is in a better place where she does not have any more pain. She is with the angels now. God Bless Colleen Brooks, for it will always be HER SONG.

- -Shannon

My condolences to Garth,Sandy & all of the Brooks family on the death of Colleen Brooks.Having lost my own Mom ( 2 years to the day of Colleen's death) I know how hard this is on the whole family. My prayers & thoughts are with them all. Please remember as Garth sang " tell that someone that you love just what you're thinking of if tomorrw never comes"

Kathy Sharon

In Memory of Colleen Brooks - "It was your song that made me sing, it was your voice that gave me wings. It was your light that shines guiding my heart to find this place where I belong. It was your song" as sung by her son Garth on the "Double Live" c.d
It has really saddened me to hear of her passing. She was a great woman and I will never forget her as long as I live.
Take care,
Cindy Worden

I was so saddened to read of the passing of Colleen Brooks, in fact I'm still crying. God, what Garth and the family must be going through. She was in my opinion what every Mother hopes to be; such a wonderful, strong woman. The family will be forever in my thoughts and prayers. May God's hands guide them through this saddest of times, for her pain is over but theirs has just begun.


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