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An Eternal Kiss

"What do you mean you couldn't find him?"

"I looked in the woods, I called after him, I searched every room in this god damn house! I couldn't find him."

Isaac paced as Taylor babbled uselessly about all the places he'd searched. "This is great! This is just great!"

"What? Why are you yelling?"

"Damn it Taylor! Don't you realize? We can't go home until we get him back."

An empty expression over took Taylor's face. It was the stereotypical expression of a blonde.

"Mom and dad will know he snuck out to the party and will blame us. So we just have to lay low for a while, and say we went into the woods for a game of hide and seek and we got lost. And we have no idea where Zac is. We thought he was at home."

"Ike, that's a ridiculous plan."

"Do you have a better one?"

Taylor hung his head. He didn't even want to say what he was thinking. Because he knew the only place they'd have to go, and he didn't want to go there. Not at all. "I know where we can stay."


"Taylor? Darling, is that you?" Her voice was a humming hiss. Fierce like daggers, and tempting like candy. It was smooth and seductive, soft and caressing. But all the while, it was hard and cold.

"It's me," she moved so he could see her. She was thin. Her eyes moved wildly about her. She looked like a rabid animal losing control of her own mind. "Me and my brother."

She flung herself into the shadows. "Zac?" She whimpered.

"No. His name is Isaac."

Venisa sauntered back towards the two of them. Something about her movements reminded Taylor of a snake. "You've brought me new entertainment?" She stood beside Isaac, letting her finger nail prod into his cheek. He winced slightly, and tried to control his racing heart. Was he attracted to her or terrified by her? Was it possible to be both? Attracted to the sensuality that oozed from her pores, and terrified, knowing that all relationships with her ended in vampirism.

"Back off!" Taylor commanded.

She pouted. "It was just teasing."

"Leave him alone. He's not for you."

"A little selfish we are nowadays, aren't we."

"Look, I just wanted to know if we could stay here for a few days. Just two or three."

"Suit yourself. It's not like I care." She shrugged.

"Okay. We'll stay in the back room." He grabbed Isaac's hand and began to lead him away.

"But you owe me."

"What?" He turned around.

"You owe me."

"What do I owe you?"

"I'm not sure yet. But just know, that you owe me." She smiled. "I will bring Isaac food, and I will even bring a lady for you. But, don’t forget. You owe me." She turned. The frightened savage that had they had seen when arriving in her house was gone. Now, she was composed and chilling. Marvelous.


Kara's hand lay across Zac's chest. She couldn't leave him. Even if she could break the chains he'd used to chain her to the wall. Even if she could be assured he wouldn't kill her. She couldn't leave. She knew that when she died she would turn, and she needed him. To teach her how to kill, and feed.

She didn't want Zac to be her father in darkness, but she had no choice. That night at the party he was debonair, charismatic, charming, even sweet. Now he was brutal, blunt, cruel, and cold.

At nights he would come to their small room after feeding and force himself on her. One time she'd tried to run away. He had chained her to the wall after he caught her. Not that she had gotten far. She had barely anything to eat. Zac didn't need food, and hardly ever remembered to bring her something. She was thin, and weak. It took an extraordinary effort just to lift her head. So she didn't.

If he was angry, he would beat her. Her nose had been broken twice, thus far. If he was in a good mood, he would force her to give him oral sex. Never returning the favor. Sometimes he would kiss her. The only times he was even remotely good to her was when he fed off her. He would lean her against him, pull her close and suck softly on a wound that he reopened whenever he fed. He would nick his own neck, and urge her to drink of him. Sometimes she would be too weak, and he'd go get her food. Upon returning he would apologize to her for letting her get this way. He would kiss her, and tell her how much he cared, and then he would feed.

Last night had been one of those nights. He had gotten her food. Professed his love to be eternal, and helped her to drink from him. He had removed the chains and lain her across him. His hands had wandered over the forlorn body whose beauty had long since been destroyed.

She looked at him as he slept. Did she love him? How could she know? A man. A vampire, who scared her, nearly killed her from beatings, but nevertheless was all she had. She sighed. He stirred and awoke to see her large green eyes staring at him.

"Good morning." He smiled.

She didn't know if she was supposed to answer him or not. Zac was strange like that. Sometimes he would want you to talk, and sometimes he'd beat you for breathing. She just smiled.

"Kara, aren't you even going to talk to me?" He kissed her forehead.

"G-good morning." She stammered, unsurely.

"Are you hungry?"

"Um, a little."

"You want me to get you some like, eggs, or toast or something?"

"You don't have to." She shrank away from him a little.

"Come here." He said softly. She crawled to him and he swept her into his arms. "I'm an asshole. I know that. But you and me, we're gonna have a great life together. I promise." He lay her down and whispered for her to go to sleep again, then he left to get something for her to eat.



The Seventeenth Night

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