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The Twentisecond Night

Eyes shut tight, he could still hear her talking. "Maybe if you just talked about your problems they would stop seeming so bad." Where did this waitress get the idea he wanted to talk? He was hungry, and he she needed to serve any purpose other than that then she would have been a quick lay.

"I don't need to talk."

"Well I need to work. And as bad as I feel about you fighting with your brother I can't sacrifice my apartment rent."

He threw some money at her, "Shut up and let me think."

She bent down and picked up the bills, "I, not a prostitute, sir. And I don't know who in the Hell you think you are but you can't just take this money and.."

"Sit down and shut up." She sat down, he refused to face her. "I don't go around fucking random girls."

"I never said you did."

"He said it, and I wanted you to know its not true. And the money's not for sex, it's for your rent."

"Thank you, um..."


"I don't know how to repay you."

He glanced out of the corner of his eye. She could have easily been damn near forty, but something told him she was an aged late 20s. Her life had probably been as hard as his, most likely much worse. He felt bad for her. "Let me give you a kiss."
