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An Eternal Kiss

"Tay, get up. It's time for breakfast."


"No? Young man, don't you ever tell me no!" Diana stood over her son, angrier than hell.

"Sorry, mom."

"Sorry? You were out until 4 o'clock this morning! I distinctly remember telling you to be home by midnight. You are grounded. Do you hear me? Grounded until further notice."


"Now let's get some light in here. You think this was a morgue and not a bedroom."

She reached for the curtain, but as soon as she had turned Taylor's hand rest gently on hers. "Please don't. I just woke up, I don't want to see sunlight yet."

"Okay." She squinted her eyes in his direction. Taylor had never acted this strange before.

Taylor stared blankly at his closet. None of these clothes seemed worthy of him now. Black, he needed to find black. Why didn't he have any black? There, his black velvet pants. Granted he had had a craving for leather, but that could wait. Why were all his shirts so tight and bright? Why didn't he have any loose black shirts? He grabbed one of Zac's black shirts. Zac always wore clothes at least a size too big for him, which meant that they would be 2 or 3 sizes too big for Taylor. Finally he grabbed his sunglasses, and looked in the mirror.

"What the hell?" He had no reflection. "" He smiled.


"What would everyone like for breakfast?" Isaac stood above Mackenzie and Avery holding two boxes of cereal.

"Frosted Flakes." Avery chanted.

"GGGRRREAT!!!" Mackie danced.

It had never occurred to Taylor how good his younger siblings looked.

"Morning Tay-Tay." Jessica smiled. Jessica, she was his favorite wasn't she? Maybe he'd give her the kiss he'd given Felice. After all, life the way they were living it wasn't that great, it was because of that that he had found himself lost in the dangerous realm of Venisa.

Venisa, she had promised him purity again. She had promised him a new beginning, and new strength, new inspiration. He had the strength and the inspiration, but he was not pure. He knew that, but he didn't care, he was still relishing the power of Felice's blood, which still throbbed, through his veins.

“Are you hungry Tay?” Jessica held up a doughnut to her brother.

“No, not really. But thank you for offering.” He sat down next to Jessica.

“Diana, did you read the paper this morning?”

“Not yet honey.”

“You should, it says that they found an 8 year old girl, Felice Richards, dead in an alley in downtown Tulsa with her blood drained and her throat ripped open. Some men from the streets say that there are ‘vampires’ loose, but it’s more likely to be a brutal lash from some sort of cult.”

“Vampires?” Taylor snorted and then smiled. “Everybody knows there’s no such thing.”


“Alright, you know you’re grounded for the next 3 weeks. So be good and maybe we’ll drop it to two.”

“Okay, mom.” Taylor laid down in bed, after saying good night to Isaac, and Jessica. He was finding Zac more annoying by the minute and could not bring himself to converse with Zac.

He waited for his parents to go to bed. By 12:35 he was sure that they were asleep and he crept out of his window.

“What to do tonight?” He sang to himself, when he recognized a small figure down the road.



“Hey, honey, come here. We haven’t talked for a long time.”

Taylor’s ex-girlfriend ran up to him and hugged him. “Wow, you got tall.”

“Yeah well, I’ve grown a lot.”

“Since we were 12, I would hope you would have grown.”

“You want to take a walk?”

“Sure.” He slipped his hand into hers and they walked and talked about ‘the good old days.’ Taylor wasn’t even sure what she was saying, but as long as she was walking with him it was fine.

“Hey, let’s go in the park.” He pointed to the park where they used to play. At 2 in the morning it was desolate and dark, rather forbade looking but at the same time rather inviting to Taylor.

“Oh no, it’s so creepy looking.”

“Are you still scared of the dark?” Taylor grinned.

“Of course not.” She playfully smacked him.

“Then what are you afraid of?”

“I’m not afraid of anything.”

“Still trying to play the tough girl?”

“No. I just don’t want to go there.”

“Oh come on, remember all the fun we had there?”

“It was daylight.”

“But the best games to play are the ones you play in the dark.”

She laughed. “Taylor, you are wicked.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” He grabbed her waist and her hand and led her to the playground.

As soon as they stopped walking his lips were on hers. He walked her to the grass area before they both collapsed on the ground.

“Oh God, Taylor.” She cried.

He shushed her and continued to kiss her, all the while allowing his hands to explore the regions of her body which had developed since they were 12.

“Taylor, stop.”

“But you don’t want me to stop.”

“Yes.” She gasped, “I do.”

“No. I can feel the pleasure you’re feeling, you want this.” He tore her shirt off and forced her underneath him.

“Taylor!” she screamed.

“Pheonix, relax.” He tried to sooth her with is voice but she still squirmed. She was fighting him and he didn’t understand.

His fingers trailed down her smooth stomach to the waist of her jeans.

“Taylor, stop. Get off of me now.” She was trying to gain control, but the lust in her voice gave her away.

“What were you doing out here at 2 in the morning?” He asked, as he unzipped her pants. His hands forced down her shoulders and his lips moved their way down as he slid her attire off.

“A walk.” She whispered.

“Did you think you would meet me?”

“I never thought I’d see you again after we broke up.”

“Do you still want me?”

“More than ever.” He had her, and as he ripped her panties off her took her neck into his mouth.

“NO!” She screamed. With a burst of energy she flung him away from her.

“What?” He scrambled to pull his boxers back up.

“Don’t touch my neck, don’t ever touch my neck. You know that!”

“Maybe I don’t remember. What’s wrong with your neck? It looks perfect to me.”

He was thirsty and lustful. He would have fucked and drank anything at that moment, but most of all he wanted her. “I have a scar. I don’t want anyone to see it.”

“But I’ve seen it, remember we were going out.”

“You never saw it.”

“I didn’t?”

“No. What’s wrong with you?”


“Get away from me Taylor, and don’t ever come near me again.”

He stood in front of her before she could move. “Are you going to tell anyone about this?”

“Of course I am, you tried to rape me.”

“No.” His eyes bore into hers and she returned the glare, unphazed.

“Yes you did.” She was too strong.

He grabbed her by the waist and thrust her neck in his mouth. She screamed and she kicked him and he fell down in a heap, but not before she had sunk lifeless to his feet.


“Why didn’t she obey me?”

“Because you’re young.”

“I didn’t want to kill her.”

“I know, honey.”

“I wanted to have her, and love her and take care of her the way you did to me.”

“But you’re not old enough, you’re just a baby.”

“No I’m not.”

“You are in this life.”

“What about my brothers?”

“What about them?”

“They’ll get old and I won’t.”

“Taylor, your band won’t last much longer. It really won’t, we all know that. After you disappear from the media no one needs to see you.” Her hand trailed across his naked chest. “No one but me.” She whispered and pulled him to her.



The 3rd Night

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