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An Eternal Kiss

“Good morning, good morning, to you, you and you. Good morning, good morning, to you, you and you.” Jessica and Avery spun around in their tutus, singing childish songs. Avery was quite angelic with the sun shining off of her hair. Was she his favorite? Up until this point he had been positive that he had always loved Jessica most, but he wasn’t sure anymore. After the change so many memories had been lost to him. He had had trouble remembering all of their names.

“Yo! Tay, what’s up man?”

Zac turned the video camera from the two dancing girls to Taylor. “Get that fucking thing out of my face.”

“God Tay. Now I have to go and edit the tape. If mom or dad saw this, which they will want to, and you swore like that on it, we’ll both be grounded.”


“Sorry? Yeah, you’re always sorry. But do you try to fix it? No.” Zac walked out of the room, muttering to himself.

“Tay?” Avery stared at her brother with her large eyes.

“What?” He pulled her onto his lap.

“What does fucking mean?”

He laughed. “Well, it can mean lots of things. It can mean stupid, like I used it. Like the stupid camera.”


“But it’s not exactly the best of adjectives, so I wouldn’t go around using it.”

“What’s an adjective?”

“It’s a word that describes something.”

“Give me an example.”

“Like you are very pretty. Pretty is an adjective that describes you. Do you understand?”

“Yeah.” She smiled and ran off.


“Alright, we were very proud of you last night, Taylor. Please, make me proud again.” Diana finished her checking of all her children as they finally lay down to sleep.

As soon as the house was quiet and dark Taylor left. “Why does she have to tuck me in every night? I’m not a God damn 6 year old anymore.”

Taylor had learned that he was weak, because he had not been in the new life for long, and so he needed to feed on young things. But unfortunately there weren’t too many of those around at this time of night. So he had to find an alternative. Something that no one would miss much, and then, he had an idea. “Hi, would you like to come take a walk with me?”

“Yes, I would.”

“What’s your name?”

“Isabella, what’s yours?”




The Fifth Night

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