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An Eternal Kiss

“The sun isn’t normally this bright is it?”

“We’re just a lot more sensitive to it now.”

Zac and Taylor walked across the park, talking quietly among themselves watching Mackenzie and a few of his friends play on a swing set not far away.

“How did you meet Venisa?”

“I was depressed. Sick of living my life for the pleasure of everyone else. Music wasn’t fun for me anymore, and I didn’t have any inspiration left. I wanted out. So I had gone to the far edge of town, by the river. I was going to drown myself, when she came out of the brush. She told me that she knew what I was going through. That humans had too many emotions, and that I deserved a much better life. And that’s when she fed on me for the first time.”

“The first time? She didn’t just do it all in one time?”



“When we’re young we need a lot too sustain us, just like young humans. As we get older we need less and less to survive. Venisa is very old. She looks about 20 but she’s a couple hundred years old. She took me to her home, and she fed, just a little and I came back for a few months, and then she turned me.”

“So you just came to feed her? What was in it for you?”

“The sex, the mothering, the ultimate care that she provided.”

“I want to meet her.”

“Someday you will.”





“Everyone’s asleep we can go now.”

“Why are you so eager?”

“I’m hungry.”

“Alright, alright.” Taylor arose and dressed, then followed Zac out the window.

“I want to meet her.”

“I thought you were hungry.”

“I was, but then I remembered something."

“What was that?”

“You promised me I could meet Venisa.”

“Oh yeah, I did.”




“You haven’t come to me in so long. I was afraid you had left me.”

“I would never leave you.”

“I want you to meet someone.”

“Your brother?”

“How did you know?”

“Taylor,” she walked into the light, lightly licking her lips. “I am your mother-after-life. I can envision all that happens to you. I see everything that you go through.”

Taylor let himself sink into her arms. With her, he was home. “I missed you.”

“Kiss me.” And he did, cold lips pressed hotly together, in a demonic embrace of passion. Zac cleared his throat.

Venisa turned her attention to the blonde young man who stood, watching in the corner. “Come here.”

He bent and kissed her hand. “Venisa, I presume?”

“Yes, Zachary, I am pleased to meet you.”

“And I, you.” His arm wrapped around her waist and his lips touched hers, lightly.

She leaned her head back and opened her mouth. “Do you drive them all this wild?”

“Only when I choose to.” His face brushed her hair away as his lips obtained hers once more. He let his body slide on top of hers and let her fall beneath him.

“Zac, no more.” Venisa made a grab for her shirt, which had flown across the room.

“But I want more.”

“Find it somewhere else.” Her voice remained soft but her hands forcefully began to push her away.

“No.” He growled. He forced her down again.

“You are not the one who says no.” She flung him away from her. “I say no.”

Taylor looked up from where he had been resting. He knew Venisa would never have given in to Zac.

“Zac, you are young, don’t let your lusts control you. You have to use your mind.”

Zac nodded, whimpering like a child. He had over estimated himself, and under estimated her. The turn had made him a monster. A raging, hormonal beast.

“Don’t cry.” She crooned, laying down and allowing her mouth to rest against his mouth.

“Please, I need more.”

She quieted him and allowed him to move over her. “Can I…?”

She nodded and soon their bodies became one.

Taylor watched, with his eyes wide as the woman who had, for so, long given to him the love he craved, allowed herself to be touched by his little brother in all the ways she had promised Taylor no one but him would touch her. He couldn’t take it, he had been betrayed again. Even after hiding from the horrific world of humans, Taylor remained the world’s stepping stool, and so he left.



The Eigth Night

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