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Jordan *Taylor* Hanson

Name: Jordan "Taylor" Hanson

Nickname: Tay

Birthdate: March 14th 1983

Bithplace: Jenks, Oklahoma

Current Residence: Tulsa, Ok.

Hair color: Dark Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 5'9"

Siblings: Isaac, Zac, Jessica, Avery, Mackenzie and his little sister, Zoe

Parents: Diana Lawyer Hanson and Walker Hanson

Part in Hanson: Keyboardist, Vocals, Congas, Tambourine, and if you were at the Albertane saw..HE CAN PLAY THE DRUMS!

Computer: A Toshiba Lap-Top

Fave. Color:Red

Fave. Candy:Red Jellybeans

Fave. Actress:Jennifer Aniston

Personality Type:Shy..

Fave. Soda:Dr. Pepper and bottled water..he says he could get drunk on Dr.Pepper! LoL

Fave. School Subject:Literature

Grade Level:He's a Sophmore..10th Grade and he's homeschooled

Hobbies:Writing music, poems and playing the keyboard and of course..drawing :)

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