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Joshua Mackenzie Hanson

Mackie Separator

Full Name: Joshua Mackenzie Hanson

Nickname(s): Mack, Mackie, Mackenzie

Birthdate: Friday, January 7, 1994

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Birthplace: Tulsa, Oklahoma

Parents: Clarke Walker Hanson and Diana Frances Lawyer

Song(s): I'll Show You Mars, Mackie Baby

  • Hasn't yet started to school, but when he does (which will be in the 1999-2000 school year) he will be homeschooled, by his mom and dad.

  • Talks at the very end of the "Snowed In" album.

  • Is the most interested in joining "Hanson" of all his younger siblings.

  • "I'll Show You Mars" the ballad written for him by Isaac, Taylor, and Zac, was written when he was just an infant.

  • Likes to tease the fans.

  • "Is the most comic of the younger children. "And can always make us laugh", according to his older brothers.

  • According to Zac "Mack has got rhythm, and if I'm not careful, he's going to steal my place as the drummer.

  • At the MTV Movie Awards, he gave Elle MacPherson a big hug and wouldn't let go. She kissed him on the cheek and he wiped it off.

  • He has a yellow and red Playskool cozy coupe.

  • Favorite movie is "Men In Black"

  • Thinks Jay Leno is really neat.

  • Gets lost very easily.

    Mackie Separator
