Full Name: Joshua Mackenzie Hanson
Nickname(s): Mack, Mackie, Mackenzie
Birthdate: Friday, January 7, 1994
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Birthplace: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Parents: Clarke Walker Hanson and Diana Frances Lawyer
Song(s): I'll Show You Mars, Mackie Baby
Hasn't yet started to school, but when he does (which will be in the 1999-2000 school year) he will be homeschooled, by his mom and dad.
Talks at the very end of the "Snowed In" album.
Is the most interested in joining "Hanson" of all his younger siblings.
"I'll Show You Mars" the ballad written for him by Isaac, Taylor, and Zac, was written when he was just an infant.
Likes to tease the fans.
"Is the most comic of the younger children. "And can always make us laugh", according to his older brothers.
According to Zac "Mack has got rhythm, and if I'm not careful, he's going to steal my place as the drummer.
At the MTV Movie Awards, he gave Elle MacPherson a big hug and wouldn't let go. She kissed him on the cheek and he wiped it off.
He has a yellow and red Playskool cozy coupe.
Favorite movie is "Men In Black"
Thinks Jay Leno is really neat.
Gets lost very easily.
