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This is my loyal friend.
"she's always around to pick up the peices
when somebody breaks my heart"

(please allow the page to download completely to see what Tia does)

My friend you stand beside me on the darkest hour of night,
when agiush fills my soul all others take to flight.
When lovers flee to other shores and all I know is pain.
I know you're still beside me when there is nothing left to gain.

Hi! (Woof !)
My name is "tia", I am a little Yorkshire Terrier
and this is my story

I was owned by a man who was a gambler,
and one day when he was short of money he
stuck me in the "ante" and lost me to some
other man who didn't even want me. While
he was waiting hopelessly to get his money
back for me he would stick me out on the
balcony when he would go to work and often
would even forget that I was there. Often he
would kick me if I cried too much. Gee I
would sure go for a loop. Heck! I only weight
5 pounds. It was cold and windy on that
balcony and people would look up and talk to
me. Even the police came and tried to rescue
me but they said they could not do anything
while there was nobody home and that they
had no jurisdiction to enter the apartment by
forcing the door. The police even suggested
that someone just grab me when they get the
chance. One day I was just let out in the
street and a lady who was always looking up
at me when I was left on the balcony, swept
me up and took me home to a nice warm
house and some good food. I wasn't sure if
she was going to like me because I hardly had
any hair left. I just had a few spots of hair
and really looked so ridiculous I thought
nobody would ever love me. I lived with the
lady for one month. Her name was Pat. She
took me to a vet and had me all fixed up with
shots and vitamins and all. The vet said I was
about 2 years old. Gosh I don't even have a
birthday! Pat was becoming very sad and
was finding it hard to leave me alone when
she went to work cause I would cry for her
all day long and the neighbours were giving
her a hard time over it. Two ladies came to
visit one day and one of the ladies was
especially nice to me while Pat was crying
and packing my things. Oh what?

Well, that nice lady took me home with her
and never left me alone again. Her name is
Audrey and she brushed me every night and
gave me some kind of special tender love and
care that made all my hair grow back. I must
say I look pretty darn good now. I have been
with her for 7 years now and I know I will
never be alone again. I often wonder how
much that man lost by loosing me in the
"ante"? I know one thing though...
"I won the pot".

Nov. 16, 1999