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HOWIE fan project

I'm really pleased with all of you who have sent stuff in, thanks so much and keep it coming!

Thanks to all of you who have supported this site, I think there are TONS of Howie fans out there, and lets show him some LOVE!! :) I was thinking that maybe we can put a scrapbook together for him! It may not be all that original, but it's worth a shot and I think Howie would like it. Email me your letters to him, drawings, poems, pics(like if you met him) or pics of you in your room by all your Howie posters.. you get the point:) thanks so much guys!! I look forward to hearing from you.! Once I get some entries, I will make a book or something and mail it to his fan club!. E-mail me with questions or ideas. Thanks!!!

BaCk HoMe