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Finally I am getting this page done!
I know alot of you have been anxious to see it,
I appologize for the delay!

First off, Please go visit my new nephews page
Baby Austin

Next be sure to visit my Tubes Page!

Please take a moment to sign!

[ GuestBook by ]

Home~ My Awards~ Apply for my Awards~ Adopt A Teddy Bear~ Webrings~ My Globes~ My PSP Tubes~ B*I*T*C*H Dedication~ My new Nephew~ Dedication to my sister~ My Goddaughter~ My Nieces and Nephews~ My Pets~ My Wedding Pics~ Halloween Graphics~ Angel Sets~ Flower Sets~ Animal Sets~ Pet Sets~ Kids Sets~ Bird Sets~ Ocean Sets~ Fantasy Sets~ Deco Sets~

This is an awsome way to win awards!

Visit my other site!

This site created and maintained by ME!
Kimmy :o)
September 1999