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WOFFORD Family Clearinghouse Database

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WOFFORD Family Photo Album
Here's a quick beginning to our family album.
Christina WOFFORD Christina is an on-air personality at a TV station in Reno, Nevada. I'm not sure if she is a WOFFORD by birth or marriage.
Dorothy (_____) WOFFORD I believe Dorothy is Ed's wife.
Wofford B. 'Bill'CAMP Biographical sketch coming soon. There is a book about him available at Amazon. I'll bring you a link soon.
Jimmy WOFFORD Olympic athlete. Biographical sketch coming soon. He has also written a book that is available at Amazon. I'll bring you a link soon.
Thomas E. WOFFORD Biographical sketch coming soon.
Marion R. WOFFORD, M.D. University of Mississippi Faculty.
Paul WOFFORD California Winemaker. See his bio at WINE.
Wayne WOFFORD. Biology Professor on the right in photo.
William WOFFORD, Jr. Florida watercolor artist. See his watercolors at WATERCOLOR.Magazine article about him and his art at HALIFAX.
Brig. Gen. William Tatum WOFFORD See his bio at GENERAL.
WOFFORD College Book There is a coffee table book by Tommy L. THOMPSON on WOFFORD College that was published by Harmony House Publishers. More info to be added later. This is the cover shot.
WOFFORD Cain Hall Athletic Dorm building at Texas A and M University.