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Order Today! Making the Best of Basics: Family Preparedness Handbook

by James Talmage Stevens
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Paperback336 pages - 10th edition 1997
Gold Leaf Press

Amazon.com Sales Rank: 19

Did you read that? This is the 19th most popular book that Amazon sells as of 29 Jan 1999.
It is flying off the shelves! Wonder why? Americans are waking up to y2k crisis.

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Never mind all the year 2000-type scare scenarios. Just close your eyes for a moment and imagine what would happen if you became ill and couldn't work, or if an earthquake or hurricane or bomb left your community devastated. It happens all the time. When unexpected disasters happen, people who are even a little prepared are much better off than those who have taken their dependence on outside resources for granted. When you imagine the security of not having to worry about going to the store for even a few weeks, a comprehensive storage system begins to make sense. James Talmage Stevens's Making the Best of Basics, now in its 10th edition, is one of the best-known preparedness bibles around. Stevens lays out a yearlong storage program of 15 food and nonfood categories, six of which (water, wheat and grains, dairy products, sweeteners, "cooking catalysts" like salt and oil, and sprouting seeds) are capable of sustaining life indefinitely in a no-frills diet. The other 9 categories are designated "Building Blocks," and improve upon the basic diet and support a more routine, less Spartan existence while relying on stored supplies. (Some of them, such as medical supplies and fuel, will seem as essential to some readers as the first six.) The book's main messages--store what you eat, eat what you store, use it or lose it--are at the core of its calm advice and simple, nutritious recipes. The 10th edition has been updated with a yellow pages section that lists current preparedness resources throughout the U.S. and Canada, including Web resources.

The publisher, Gold Leaf Press, October 1, 1998
Basics has sold over 350,000 copies.
Concerns about the Year 2000 computer bug, unexpected job loss, volatile financial markets, and natural disasters such as severe storms have made home storage and preparedness a current topic all across the country. Making the Best of Basics has been the home storage and preparedness bible for a generation of readers. With over 350,000 copies sold, Basics is the most comprehensive single volume available on in-home storage. Making the Best of Basics has been updated for the '90s and offers the average family a manageable and effective plan to enable them to live on resources in their own home in a near-normal manner for up to a year. Basics includes chapters on storing and using (including 200 recipes) everything from water, wheat, and dried fruits and vegetables to vitamin supplements to maintain your family's health and emergency sources of fuel and energy. Basics is an excellent and proven source you can use to prepare for an uncertain future.

The publisher, August 21, 1998
We want to hear from you!
We would like to thank you for your interest in "Making the Best of Basics" by James Stevens. We believe in the importance of this publication and are pleased you agree with us. It is our goal to place a copy of this book in every American household.

The truth is, no one knows when a disaster might hit or what its impact may be. Many are convinced the Millennium Bug/Y2K crisis could be the most devastating national calamity we Americans will ever experience. How many will be prepared?

According to James Stevens, best-selling family preparedness author and speaker, "The Millennium Bug is simply the lastest greatest motivator for family preparedenss. Besides, our technology may be vulnerable, but we don't have to be."

In closing, we would love to hear your thoughts and comments.


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A reader from New Jersey, January 14, 1999
Fantastic - Not just for Y2K
This book has given us plenty of ideas for conservation measures which we hadn't thought of, as well as those things to purchase in order to keep us independent in case the wolf is at the door. In these times of uncertain unemployement as well as the political climate, it is good to know that we as well as other prepared and intelligent individuals will survive.

A reader from Denver, Colorado, December 11, 1998
Wouldn't face Y2K without this book!
Excellent book on food storage, sprouting, heating alternatives, ect. Wonderful for the person who is attempting this for the first time. This book may mean the difference between life and death for FAMILIES caught in a survival situation. A huge book, great value for the price. Simple step by step diagrams, tables, charts and graphs. Y2K is going to catch many people unprepared, not if you have read this book.

sunhill@ktc.com from Kerrville, TX, December 5, 1998
The only book your family needs
This book is fantastic for the novice. It contains all the info needed for your family survival. Best I've read yet.

wendyinak@hotmail.com from Alaska, November 19, 1998
Wonderfully thorough!
This book truly is a preparation 'Handbook'! I so appreciate the wide margins, allowing for handwritten notes, and the list of websites on the subject. I am impressed with Mr. Stevens exhaustive research and incredibly detailed directions. I have had it for a week and it is already getting dog-eared with use! Definitely a must for anyone just beginning a food-storage for their family.


Marc Eisenson (marc@investinyourself.com) from Elizaville, NY, November 4, 1998
This is the bible on self-sufficiency.
The premise here is that we all know we're at high risk for some disaster. We just don't know when or what. But whether flood or unemployment, the unexpected crisis needs to be weathered when it hits. In this bible on self- sufficiency, you'll learn about basic home storage of food and water, basic recipes, basic kitchen gardening, basic directions for drying fruits and vegetables, and even basic self-health care. Very reasonable, down-to-earth advice to keep you watered, fed, and healthy during tough times.

A reader from Cleveland, Ohio USA, September 24, 1998 - "5 out of 5 stars"
I am buying more books for my family and friends. This book is great. It tells you exactly how much food to store, how long it will last, and how to use it in simple recipes. This book contains so much information that is not readily available elsewhere. Only years of research will give you an idea how much your family really eats in a years time. Thanks to the author for cutting those years out of my preparedness effort.

A reader from Lafayette, LA USA, August 1, 1998"5 out of 5 stars"
THE BEST BOOK ON BASIC LIVING - especially for city slickers
This is the only book you will need to become enlightened on "country living"! You will discover how much fun sprouting your own seeds can be, how to rotate and label storage, how to make sourdough, and many other things that have been lost with super-market living. What a great book! If you want to have a year of stored food, and don't know where to start, you will really have a handle on it once you read this book!


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