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The Foxfire Book Of Appalachian Cookery
By Linda Garland PAGE
Paperback    Published 1992    University of North Carolina Press    List Price $19.95    Our Price $15.96    You Save $3.99 (20%)

A reader from Georgia, United States (Appalachia!), August 24, 1998 says:
This book is incredible... MY ALL TIME FAVORITE COOKBOOK!
This book is filled to the brim (or shall I say binding!) with old-fashioned recipes, fun facts and historical folklore. The authors interviewed many southern old-timers to gather their material and their book is truly authentic. As a southerner myself, although of a younger generation, I can attest to the validity and authenticity of its contents, and I find the book refreshing, entertaining and useful. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in southern cooking, folklore and/or food history!

Warren ALEXANDER from Arizona, says:
Any student of Americana should read this book. It is interesting in how you can do a lot, with a little.

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