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Other Genealogy Links

Genealogy Home Page Rand Genealogy Club Genealogical Data Cooperative
US GenWeb Project Family Tree Maker Online Everton Publishers
Cherokee Cousins, Cherokee Ancestry Leon Raper's Home Page Steve Johnson's Home Page
Nathan Raper's Home Page David Schneider's Home Page (Rice U.) Hicks Family Genealogy Page

Some Year 2000 Links

I have SERIOUSLY looked into the Y2K computer 'bug' for about 2 years now. I urge you to read these sites and judge for yourselves how prepared you think you ought to be. Let me strongly encourage you to at least prepare for 12 days OR MORE of emergency food, water and an emergency gas heat/cooking source for your family. After some of the recent hurricanes and floods it has taken up to 12 days for Red Cross relief workers to get in to some areas w/food and water.

If nothing else, if you get laid off from work, you'll have some 'food insurance' in the pantry. Many, many Americans are stocking up now to prevent shortages as we approach winter 1999, yes, shortages are already starting to appear.

For all my loved ones, I pray that you'll take this as a serious warning and at least prepare a little. None of us want to think bad things will happen. But tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, layoffs, death of bread-winner, etc., happen all the time to good people. Please, please, BE PREPARED!!

Y2K for Women Page The Joseph Project Page Y2K Command Central

Visit Kristi's Simple Living, Y2K, Foxfire or Otherwise Page
Kristi's Foxfire Bookstore

Y2K Food Suppliers

Walton Emergency Essentials

More Y2K Links

Y2KNEWS (One of my favorite sites for keeping up on the latest news and views.)

Y2K Watchman (One of the most precise weather forcasters for the coming storm)

Y2K: Facing the Challenge  (A Real Audio broadcast by Larry Burkett of Christian Financial Concepts)

Swiss America
Cassandra Project
American Red Cross
Mr. Solar
Backwoods Home Magazine
Y2K Kitchen
Wells Canning Supply
Dutch Oven Cooking
Seeds Blum
Non-Hybrid Seeds
Home Canning
Good info on the nearly-lost art of home food preservation
BTW-canning is easy, but follow the directions closely!

Y2K CPR has a free booklet for you


Some Great Christian Links

Audio Bible
Audio Camp Meeting
Songs of Praise
More Songs of Praise
Christian Courtship Resources
What If?

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