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I met you in a chatroom on the internet. I had gone in there because my life was filled with disappointment. I checked out the names to see who I could chat with. I wanted to find someone with whom I could relate with. Being silly and crazy was my personality. Finding somone like that didn't seem reality. Until I found a name that went together like coffee and creamer. The name highlighted on my whisper was LADAYDREAMER. I figured I might as well be nice and say hello. But the way you seemed with people was anything but mellow. You were filled with life and and happiness buit to the max. I thought to myself, "damn, can't this girl just relax?" You seemed to be almost everyone's friend. I thought that your act might just be pretend. I finally got the nerve to tell you hi. I thought you would write back and say something mean like bye. You didn't, you were actually nice. I thought that you might be mean and cold like ice. I would've talked with you for more than a day. I was sad when I found out that you lived far away. You were nice to me to send me your pic. I cherished it and made it a relic. I told you I was into photo and art too. You told that you liked it and thought it was "koo." I liked you so much I sent you some pics. They were probably stolen by some dumb redecks. I called you on the phone to tell you some noise. But I was silenced when I heard your sweet voice. I swore I'd make it up to you so I made you this rhyme. Maybe you will like it 'cuz it's originally mine. If other people read this, they'd think I'm a leva. I'd tell you that and you would just say "whateva!"
Written By:Leo
Muah Thanxs Leo
If Ya HaVe AnY cOmMeNtS u CaN eMaIl mE

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