Neal Wood, Dwight Glenn, Eric Glenn, Bryan Cole, David Nix, Brian Glenn, Brian Crockett,
Ralph Stephan, Robert Livingston.
The financial report was not available due to Gary Burnett being unable to attend due to family
illness. David Nix asked if he could not make it to the next meeting if someone probably needed
to try to get the financial report information so we can show it in the meeting records. Dwight
stated that he could take care of it. We need the receipt book to collect dues for next month.
Dues are to be paid for the year 2000 by the next meeting.
Association attendance has been light the past few months. It was asked by David how we could
improve the attendance of firemen. Most members agreed we need to have meetings at other
departments. It was decided that if a department would like to host the association meeting it
would be approved the month before so they can be prepared.
Fire reports from area fire departments were discussed.
Ash Creek had one car fire
Cravens FD had two grass fires
Veterans Colony FD had one grass fire
West End FD had one grass fire and one barn fire
Wilburton FD had 8 calls including a plane crash, house fire and numerous grass fires.
Training schedule was discussed and OSU-FST telephone number given out to members.
Discussion about trying to schedule an extrication class for the area departments was held. David
said he would try to schedule a date soon.
Bryan Crockett asked about the progress of the development of the association's patch. Neal said
he would check into it.
The meeting was adjourned for training.