Members in attendance:
The minutes were read by Neal Wood from the previous meeting from April 6, 1999. Bob
Dunlap made a motion to approve the minutes as read. Chris Fiedler seconded the motion. All in
favor - motion carried
Discussion of the by-laws for approval or other action as necessary was held. The by-laws were
read by each article to the members present for their approval.
Gary Burnett made a motion to change the working in Article III, Section 3, Line J, to state that
the secretary/treasurer may obtain a petty cash fund for miscellaneous supplies and the petty cash
fund shall not exceed $25.00. Also, the secretary/treasurer must keep cash receipts of all
expenditures. Motion was seconded by Dwight Glenn. All in favor - motion carried.
Gary Burnett made a motion to change the working in Article IV, section 3 to state that an
official elected shall obtain a simple majority vote of the association members at the regular
meeting. Floyd Allen seconded the motion, all in favor - motion carried.
Floyd Allen made a motion to change the wording in Article IV, section 4 to state that any
business conducted by the association requiring a vote shall obtain at least a simple majority vote
of the members present at any regular meeting or announced special meeting.
Gary Burnett made a motion to change the wording in Article IV, section 6 to state if a vice
president, secretary/treasurer or public information officer is unable to complete his elected term,
a special election shall be held to fill the vacancy at an announced regular meeting. Motion
seconded by Floyd Allen, all in favor. Motion carried.
Gary Burnett made a motion to change the working in Article VI, section 6 to state associate
memberships are available to all organizations, businesses, and associations without voting
privileges by paying a $25.00 membership fee. Motion seconded by Eric Glenn. 14 in favor, 1
against. Motion carried.
A vote was taken to approve the by-laws after changes. All in favor. Motion carried.
Election of Officers;
President -
Floyd Allen nominated Neal Wood, seconded by Chris Fiedler
Gary Burnett made a motion that all nominations cease due to acclamation, seconded by Chris
Fiedler. All in favor - Neal Wood elected president.
Vice President -
Chris Morris nominated David Nix, seconded by Bob Dunlap.
Gary Burnett made a motion that all nominations cease due to acclamation, seconded by Chris
Fiedler. All in favor - David Nix elected vice president
Secretary/Treasurer -
Chris Morris nominated Gary Burnett, seconded by Bob Dunlap.
Neal Wood made a motion that all nominations cease due to acclamation, seconded by David Nix.
All in favor - Gary Burnett elected secretary/treasurer
Public Information Officer -
Gary Burnett nominated Chris Fiedler, seconded by Neal Wood. All in favor - Chris Fiedler
elected public information officer.
County Training Officer -
Tabled until all instructors are present or a majority.
Next on the agenda was the Mutual Aid Agreements. A sample was given to the members and
the fire chiefs present. The agreement was read and explained. Each fire chief or representatives
of the seven fire departments in Latimer County can sign this agreement and keep it on their
records at their individual fire stations.
We need to know if a fire department is going to join the association by the next meeting on
Tuesday, June 1, 1999. The fee is $25.
David Nix asked the members if they would be interested in helping with the 4th of July fireworks
this year. He explained that it was a big help that Ash Creek and West End helped with taking
donations and the fireworks. If you are interested call David Nix at 465-5777 and your name will
be put on the list.
Upcoming classes and courses were discussed, also it was determined that the class given at the
association meeting will be announced in advance.
Floyd Allen made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by John Cook, all in favor - motion
The next meeting is scheduled for June 1, 1999.