Latimer County Firefighters Association monthly meeting was held at Wilburton City Hall. Departments represented were: Ash Creek, Cravens, Red Oak, Veterans Colony, West End and Wilburton.
Meeting was called to order by Vice President David Nix.
Minutes were submitted by Sec./Treas. Gary Burnett and approved. Treasurer's report was given by Gary Burnett. All seven (7) fire departments have paid their dues and joined the association. President Neal Wood has filed the incorporation papers. When the incorporation documents are received, an account will be opened at Latimer State Bank.
Departments respons reports were given. Ash Creek - 3, Cravens - 1, Red Oak - 1, Veterans Colony - 0, West End - 0, Wilburton - 13.
Nikki Nix was appointed and approved as Training Officer. Nikki requested a list of all firemen and their social security numbers. David Nix requested copies of all training certificates.
Danny Baldwin reported that a company from Kansas has scheduled to visit the site of the proposed Fire Training Center and reported that they think they can build the center for less than $125,000. Hopefully this project can go out for bids in August.
Walter Squires and Danny Baldwin reported that Class A and B foam can be obtained for a reasonable price at State Surplus Properties.
Neal Wood arrived and reported that the Ropes Rescue Course had gone well and that the trainers liked the site at Robbers Cave State Park. They are hoping to hold the State Firefighters Association Annual Meeting at the park next August.
Training schedule was presented by David Nix:
Ropes Rescue II - Sept. 25 and 26 - Robbers Cave State Park
LPG - August 13 and 20, Heavener
Extrication - Sept. 25 and 26, Heavener
First Responders Class is being planned and will be announced with scheduled.
Bob Dunlap volunteered to help organize the picnic and Brian Crockett will help cook. Neal Wood is seeking someone to design a LCFA patch.
Meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m. Fire Behavior Training followed the meeting.