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Latimer Co. Firefighters Association

Minutes -- November 2, 1999

The meeting was called to order by President Neal Wood at 7 P.M. Minutes were submitted by Chris Fiedler and approved. The treasurers report was given by Gary Burnett. A balance of $133.90 was reported. The picnic was discussed and Dwight Glenn agreed to contact Robbers Cave State Park and try to schedule next year's picnic for Sept. 23 or 24. Firefighters Association patches were discussed.

David Nix reported that the Phi Beta Chapter of EOSC needs help on Nov. 16th at 10 a.m. to give a fire safety program for third, fourth, fifth and sixth graders. Topics discussed were fire hazards, escape plans and stop-drop-and-roll.

Fire Reports: Ash Creek - 0; Cravens - 2; Veterans Colony - 4; Wilburton - 5; Red Oak - 4

Development of a newsletter was discussed by David Nix and Chris Fiedler.

President Wood reported on several items of interest. He is trying to get support for legislation that would allow firefighters to run flashing lights, blue and amber, on personal vehicles. Neal also reported that it looks promising that we will receive the money for a training facility. He needs a list of available equipment from each department.

Upcoming classes:

Agricultural Rescue, through OSU

Emergency Vehicle Operations

Emergency Medical Technician

New Business:

Chris Fiedler reported that the Web Page (Angelfire) is going to require advertising (not free). Chris has some ideas of ways to maybe generate income for the association through this. Chris is going to re-design the web page. He also reported that he has been in contact with Sooner Emergency of Muskogee with hopes of securing a donation. David Nix mentioned that he is keeping a training file on all firefighters and that he needs copies of all training records.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Training on SCBA maintenance followed.