AN:: Thanks Michell for this wonderful chapter.

Tay sat on the floor and looked up at Brandi. "I...I...wanted a change," he slowly stammered.

"A CHANGE?! A change is one thing, but your new haircut is another!" Brandi yelled out.

"I like it!" Tay yelled back as he jumped up. Suddenly, he realized exactly what it was he had said and wanted to take it back.

"I hate it!" she countered as she stood up to him.

"Why?" Tay questioned, sounding remotely like a wounded puppy.

"It's too short," Brandi paused from her rage. He seemed to be really hurt by her abundant dislike. In a softer, calmer, tone she went on, "Your beautiful hair..." she reached up to his face and what should have been his hair.

"It'll grow back," he almost whispered as he reached out for her.

"But why did you cut it? Why such a drastic change?"

"I just wanted to cut it off around my neck so that it was still long, but she cut it too high when her son bumped her. We had to cut it like this so it would look decent. I'm sorry you don't like it."

"It's not that I don't like it, it's just...well...it's so damn short in comparison to what it was."

"I know that and it's not like I meant for it to be like this!" Tay snapped. Who cared if it was short or long anyway? It was just hair after all.

"Why are you yelling at me?"

"Because it's pointless to not like it; I can't change it back!"

"Stop yelling! I--"

"I knew you'd hate it. I knew it! I just don't understand why you hate it so much."


"It'll grow back if I don't decide to keep it short. I may even cut it again. Maybe even shave it all off! How about that?"

"I'd hate it! I'd hate it even more than I hate this style!" she yelled back as she pointed violently at his head.

"I'm going back and having Josie shave it all off right now!"

"You do and I'll never speak to you again! And don't come home tonight; sleep in the street for all I care!" Brandi screamed as she rushed from the room, slamming the door behind her.

Tay stood starring at the closed door. He couldn't believe what just happened. They had just fought over his new cut! "Of all the dumb-ass things to fight about! We're in love and we fight about my hair?!" Tay said to the door. He flung open the door and charged downstairs after Brandi. "Brandi! Wait!" he yelled as he ran to the front door and out onto the front step, but he was too late. She was already in her car and roaring down the street. "Damn it!"

"Hey, Tay?" Zac called out from inside the kitchen.

"What is it, Zac?"

"Did you drink all this?" Zac pointed to the pile of empty beer bottles and wine coolers sitting on the floor by the trash can.

"Hell no! I couldn't drink that much even if i wanted to!"

"Hey guys. Holy shit! Who drank all that? Hopefully not just one person," Ike asked as he walked into the room holding a small stack of papers with even more figures on them.

"We dunno. Ya don't think Lisa did do ya?"

"Naw, she's still at Brandi's. And Brandi didn't--"

"Clarissa!" Ike suddenly yelled out, dropping the papers. "Where is she?"

"She left a few minutes ago...in the car," Zac suddenly realized exactly what that statement meant.

Ike ran from the kitchen and in the direction of his own car. Tay yelled out as he ran after Ike, "Ike! Wait a minute!"

"I gotta find her!"

"It'll be like looking for a needle in a haystack! You have no idea where to even begin to look!"

Ike stopped dead and realized Tay was right. He had no clue where to even begin looking. In despair and worry, he dropped to the ground and softly whispered, "God, keep her safe; don't let her get hurt. I love her...I love her so much."

chapter fourty two