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Southern State of Mind

By Miss Raye
Copyright 2000

Chapter Three

Dinner that evening was unusually quiet. Louise barely looked up from her plate. Ms. Emma sat beside her, worried, "Louise? Would you care to talk?"

A shake of her head was the only answer.

"Mary has told me quite a bit about your father and I can understand why you'd be so...worried about his visit. I voiced many of the same concerns when she had me send the letter." She gathered a sobbing Louise in her arms, "She's not well and she spends most of her days fretting that you've had to take too much on your shoulders because of her. This is something she can do for you now... perhaps one of the the last things she can." She lifted the girl's chin so that she met her eyes, "The best thing we can do is try to make her happy, huh?"

Louise silently nodded and excused herself from the table. She cleared her dishes and went to sit with her mother. She read to her another chapter in a book about the Wild West. Mary loved to hear her daughter read about the exciting exploits of gunslingers and saloon girls... it all seemed so fantastic that it could hardly be real.

It was late in the evening, and the candles at Mary's bedside were burning low, the flames dancing on the edge of a pool of liquid wax.

They both startled when they heard a carriage pull up in front of the house. Mary's eyes shone with hope and she busied herself smoothing out her hair. Louise had to smile, her mother was never one to preen, but here she was looking like a young woman ready to receive a gentleman caller.

Louise stayed by her side as Ms. Emma went to open the door. A soft knock came at the bedroom door, "Come in Ms. Emma,"

She opened the door slowly and looked in, "There's a Mr. Donald Boggs to see you both."

Mary gasped and grabbed her daughter's hand, her own was shaking. "It's him, your father. I never expected him so soon."

Lou turned to look at the man who entered in. He was tall, with broad shoulders and nearly filled the doorway as he walked through. He wore a fine waistcoat and was very fashionably dressed. He handed his hat and cane to Ms. Emma and she backed away to stand near the wall.

Donald looked around the little room, making note of what sparse furnishings decorated the room. His eyes travelled over the frail woman in the bed and finally to the young girl sitting next to her.

He inclined his head toward Louise, "That her Mary?"

Mary's eyes shone with fresh tears... se was hoping this would be a happy occasion for all. "Yes Donald, this is our daughter, Louise."

He nodded, "Well girl? Stand up so I can take a good look at you."

Louise was surprised by his harsh tone, but she dutifully stood up and after patting her mother's hand she moved to stand closer to her father.

He looked her over, front and back. He grabbed her chin and lifted it, examining her face, "Hmm, pretty little thing," Mary who was watching from the bed smiled. He put his hands on her hips pushing on the layers of petticoats under her skirts, "boyish hips though, not much of a figure."

Louise looked up at him, confusion awash in her large brown eyes, "but Father, -"

He ignored her, "You've done well Mary, I'll take care of her." He turned, wrapping his hand around her arm, he headed for the door.

Emma moved forward to block the door, "Sir?"

He took his hat and cane from her hands, "Thank you, good day ma'am."

"Donald!?" Cried Louise's mother, "Where are you going?"

He turned, agitated at her cries, "You wrote me and asked me to care of your girl, I'm taking her with me. What seems to be the problem."

Louise had regained her wits and started to struggle against his grip. "I'm not going anywhere with you. I'm staying with my mother."

"Yes, please Donald, I need her now."

"Sir, Mary needs Louise.. she's her comfort." Emma had added plea.

"Well I'm only in town today, and Louise is coming with me now." He turned back to the door.

Louise tried to pull away from her father... terror and disbelief were drawn across her face. Tears coursing down her face she grabbed onto the wooden footboard of the bed. Her knuckles turned white and red as she desperately tried to hold on. "Mama... ..MAMAA!! Help me.. please mama I want to stay...oh mama. I love you, please!"

"Louise! Louise.... my baby... oh dear God, Donald! Please let her stay! Please Donald! Please!!"

They disappeared into the darkness of the midnight black carriage. The windows were blocked and even the driver was shrouded in shadows. Louise could still be heard crying out for her mother and Mary's heart broke at the sound. She had failed her daughter and she was sure she'd never be able to make ammends.

Emma sat next to her friend, holding her in a tight hug. Both women cried together as they heard the sound of the horses and Louise's cries disappear into the distance.

On to Chapter Four

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