My 80s
Yes, Iam a child of the 80s. I spent my
formative years in the decade of decadence,
big hair, loud music, excessive EVERYTHING!!
So this is a tribute to my youth, when music
and tv was fun, no one was grungy and gloomy,
and the coolest music out of Seattle was
Heart and Queensryche!
My favorite things in the 80s!
Well, one thing that stayed with me was my
love of the Smurfs (cheerful blue creatures)
and light metal (cheerful, fun music) Dokken,
Europe, Stryper, Bon Jovi. And all my
cheerful tv shows. No reality shows, just
stupid sitcoms. Reality bites!
Here's a test to determine if you actually
are a child of the 80s (you may have seen
this before, its a popular cultural
test-author unknown)----->>>>>>
You're a child of the 80s if:
- You had a crush on one of the New Kids on
the Block (I didn't by the way, even as a
youngster I had discerning musical taste)
- You wanted to be on Star Search
- You can remember what Michael Jackson
looked like before his nose fell off
- You wore a banana clip or one of those
slap on wrist bands
- You wore French rolls at the bottom of
your splatter painted jeans
- You had slouch socks, and puff painted
your own shirt at least once
- You owned a Cabbage Patch Kid
- You knew what Willis was talking about
- You new the profound meaning of "Wax on
Wax off"
- You can name at least half the members of
the elite "brat pack"
- You have seen at least 10 episodes of
Fraggle Rock
- You know that another name for a keyboard
is a synthesizer
- You hold a special place in your heart
for Back To The Future
- You fell victim to 80s fashion; big hair,
crimped & combed to one side and you wore
- You wanted to be a Goonie (Goonies never
- You've heard of Garbage Pail Kids (I
still have my whole collection)
- You knew the "Artist" when he was humbly
known as "Prince"
- You ever wore neon/fluorescent clothing
or nail polish
- You could breakdance or wished you could
- You know wh Max Headroom was
- You remeber when Atari was the state of
the art video game (Remeber Pac-man and Ms
- You can remeber MC Hammer
- You own any cassettes (I am most guilty
of this sin)
- You remeber/own any of the Care Bear
glasses from Pizza Hut
- Poltergeist freaked you out
- You carried your lunch to school in a
Gremlins or ET lunchbox
- You have ever pondered why Smurfette was
the only female smurf (Well I happen to know
its cuz Gargamel created her.)
- You ever had a Swatch watch
- You owned a Care Bear (I still have mine,
Cheer Bear!)
- You had a crush on one of the Coreys(Haim
or Feldman)
- You remeber when Saturday Night Live was
- You had Wonder Woman or Superman underoos
- You wanted to be the Hulk for Halloween
- You believed by the power of Greyskull,
you HAD the power
- You thought that the Transformers were
more than meets the eye
- Partying like it was 1999 seemed
sooofar away
If you can identify with more tha half of
this list, then you, my friend, are a child
of the 80s!
I would like to find the person who came up
with that list and shake their hand!!
Things I wore in the 80s that I am now
ashamed of!
- Legwarmers
- Keds
- Anything hot pink
- Pinstriped Lee jeans
- Frosted pink liptick and blue eyeshadow
- Many, many bracelets
- Jelly shoes
- Dangly plastic earrings
Fav 80s TV Shows
- Cosby Show>
- Family Ties
- Facts of Life
- Star Search
- Diffrent Strokes
- Fame
- Punky Brewster (hiding my face in shame)
- PeeWee's Playhouse (Not as a kid's show,
as a very funny comedy act!)
- Smurfs!!!
Fav 80s Music

I loved the hair bands! My absolute fav was
Europe. Joey Tempest was so beautiful
*sigh* And it was lite European metal, which
got me started off on the road to more
adventurous euro-metal. Heart was a
huge influence on me, I loved Ann Wilson's
strong voice, I used to be on my swingset
singing These Dreams, wanting to be a
singer like her. When I got older, I started
listening to Dokken, Bon Jovi,
Journey,Ratt, but my most
important musical discovery happened in the
late 80s, Yngwie Malmsteen The One
true guitar hero from that decade (argueably,
of course!) Listening to his music changed my
life (But I'm sill not sure how!!)

Links To Awesome 80s Pages!!!!
A site dedicated to my favorite hair
The 80s
Probably the most famous and complete tribute
to the 80s website. Great Stuff!
Growing Up
In the 80s
A wicked fun site, w/ 80s TV, music, fads,
sounds, games etc. Check out the TV theme
quiz, I got them all right!
80s Cartoon
Every cartoon you watched as a kid is
Music, moveis, events, fads, games, quizzes
Awesome 80s

Don't forget to visit my Smurfs Page, and listen
to some 80s songs on my Real Audio Jukbox