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South Carolina

P. 167, Carolina you are to admeasure and lay out for Richard Medlin one of the free men of this Province and Rachell Medlin his wife two hundred acres of land in some place not yet laid out . . . any navigable river . . . 10th day of August 1678
To Capt: Maurice Matthews Joseph West
     Surveyr John Godfrey
Richard Conant
Will:  Owen

Indenture:  18 Sept. 1679 Between Richard Medlin, mason, and his wife Rachell Medlin of the one part and Robert Brooks of the other part all of the Colonie of Caroline . . .sum 20 Pds . . . 200 acres . . . land laid out and granted the said Richard Medlin and Rachell Medlin . . . by the right honorable the Lords and absolute proprietors of said Council of Caroline . . . all rows of Edifices, buildings, fences, grounds, orchards, gardens, woods, underwoods . . . on said 200 acres lying and being near the Sounde on the south side of the mouth of the Ashley River . . . northward to lands of William Cooke . . . to southward on a Marsh and
. . . divides it from land of Nicholas Bird East on Marsh and Crooke . . . and westward on lands not yet laid out and now of late is in the tenure or occupation of Richard Medlin and his wife Rachell Medlin . . .
In presence of   The Marke of Richard R Medlin
John Boone The Marke of Rachell R Medlin
James Whittor  
James Jones  
  Ent in Ye Sectrs Office Ye 20th 
day of October 1679
Ref:  p. 35 Records of the Secretary of the Province 1675 - 1695
South Carolina Archives  -  Control No. 12
 Comment:  This land was on James Island on south side of the mouth of the Ashley river, now Charleston, S. C.   By the description of the improvements, he probably lived on it for some time.  Usually the title to a land warrant was not given until after a specified time which required they live on the land and make improvemnets.  The purpose of the grant was to colonize the area.

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