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Medlin's in England

Marriage Cert. June 4, 1874 Dist. Redruth, Parish of Illogan in the County of Cornwall, Eng. William Henry Medlen 22, batchelor, miner, lvg. at Tolvadden, father Jethro Medlen - miner Ann Cocking 19, Spinster, lvg. at Tolvadden, father Jacob Cocking - horse trainer Birth Cert. 389, Dist. of Redruth 1880, sub. dist. of Illogan in cty. of Cornwall, Oct. 27, 1880 Jacob Cocking, boy, father William H. Medlyn, mother Ann Medlyn formerly Cocking. Oct. 29, 1882, Jethro born at Tuckingmill, Camborne, Cornwall. ( prob. raised family in Cornwall) Oct. 2, 1892, Albert born at Reskedinick?, Camborne, Cornwall ( to Michigan, U.S.A. in 1920's) no fam. Oct, 16, 1894, Lillian Margaretta born at Reskedinick, m. to Harry Gaines lvd. Southampton, Eng. No fa 1889, Harry Medlen 24, miner, m. Hannah Bates 21, Nov. 29, 1913 in parish church of Illogan. lvd. and raised a family in New Jersey, U.S.A. Ann Medlen (on the death of William) mvd. to vicinity of Copper Harbour, Michigan and married Oliver Richards (truant officer). Son Albert and William John also lvd. in Mi. or around Grand Rapids, In. - no known off-spring. Jacob Medlyn immigrated to Kingston, Ont. Canada in the early 20's after m. Grace Baynard Sowden - 2 children, Grace Irene and Jacob Baynard. Grace m. Herbert John Saunders - 2 children, Baynard H. and Ann Roberta. Our Medlens tended to be short and portly - apparently cornish mines preferred short folk so that they did not have to make the tunnels for tall people.

Contact this Medlin(Medlyn/Medlen)
My mother was Grace Irene Medlen, dau. of Jacob Cocking Medlyn and Grace Baynard Sowden. Their family emigrated to Kingston, Ont. Can. in the early 20's. Jacob was illiterate and apparently he was refused entry into the U.S. where most of his family did. He was the only one to use the spelling "Medlyn" which was the manner in which his name was spelt on his birth cert. # 389 in the County of Cornwall, England.