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If you have any information about the origin
of the Medlin name please send it to Medlin Research
please put "Origin" in the subject line.

I have found this meaning in two books about Medlin's.
"one who lived in the middle of a field"

At this site, I found suggestions that origin of the Medlin name is Brit or Irish.
From my grandparents, born ca 1865, I have the impression that
Medlins of my lineage came to U.S. from Holland after fleeing from Germany.

I've always been told that my line of Medlin's came from Scotland.

How about it Medlin's, Where did your line originate?

How many ways can Medlin be spelled?

Madalen Maddalene Maddalon Maddalone
Madalyn Maddalene Maddelaine Madelon
Madland Madlen Madline Madlon
Mattlin Matulin Maudlin Maudling
Medelin Medellin Medland Medlen
Medline Medling Medlon Medlyn
Meidlein Meteling Metlen Metlin
Metling Mettlen Mettlin Mettling
Middling Midland Medlen Mietling
Mitillian Mitlin Mitlyn Modlin
Modling Motlin Motlong Mydland

Many words in our language have different spelling and/or meaning than when they originated. The same is true with our name. It is not uncommon to find the name spelled phoneticly in census records, land records, even in family bibles. The phonetic spelling varies with the accent of the person who did the writing.

Why did our ancestors repete given names often?
No, it wasn't to confuse future generations.
Here is the English naming patterns from 1700-1875

1st son ~ father's father
2nd son ~ mother's father
3rd son ~ father
4th son ~ father's eldest brother

1st daughter -- mother's mother
2nd daughter ~ father's mother
3rd daughter ~ mother
4th daughter ~ mother's eldest sister

Younger children would be named after earlier ancestors,
but the pattern in their case was more varied.

Sometimes the eldest son would be named after the mother's father and the
eldest daughter after the father's mother. When using this pattern, the second
son would be named after the father's father and the second daughter after
the mother's mother. Occasionally the second son and daughter would be
named after the father and mother instead of the third son and daughter.
Another variation was to name the third daughter after one of the
great-grandmothers instead of after the mother. In such a case, the fourth
daughter would usually be named after the mother.

To submit information for this page send mail to
Medlin Research
Include as much specific information as possible,such as
names, dates, locations, references, email and web address.

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