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It's In The Denim and Leather
"Denim and leather... brought us all together"-Saxon

As I have mentioned on the Bashing Page, and countless other places, there is mass confusion in the rock world today about what IS hard rock and heavy metal, and what ISN'T. Well, Brian Coles has solved the problem for us, via his soon to be oft-used Denim and Leather Test. This article came from Electric Basement. Please show this to all the posers out there who think that their favorite new rap/MTV outfit is hard rock or metal.


By Brian Coles

Editor and Carnivore. 



There are a few things in this world that bother me so much as to make me write about it.  Oh sure, I know what you're thinkin', "Why in the name of processed chicken are you an editor then A**HOLE!!!???"

Well, the answer lies in the stone cold fact that our treasured music needs all the help it can get nowadays, so I try and do my measly part.  I have had a coupe of women ask me about my measly part and I clarified, in the loudest capacity these allergic lungs could muster, that THAT is not the part I am referring too. I am quite pleased with that part.  Actually, I hold my own down there very well (oh criminy, that didn't come out right did it....)

Anywho, I am sick as a dog hearing about the "new metal" bands like Rorschast Test, Static X etc. It seems to have alluded the public that these bands ARE NOT METAL!!!  RT is an industrial, techno band.  Period.  Static X etc. are just, well, crap.

I have tried very hard to explain, blue faced why these bands aren't metal.  And they ain't hard rock either! After years of trying in vain, I came up with this unique and VERY simple method of clarifying the issue. Read and enjoy:


STEPPENWOLF (1968): Jeans, leather, real instruments played by real people

SABBATH (1970): Jeans, leather, real instruments played by real people

DEEP PURPLE (1972): Jeans (a bit of leather..maybe), real instruments played by real people

AEROSMITH (1975): Jean, leather, real instruments played by real people

TED NUGENT (1977): Loin cloth (leather), jeans (when backstage) and a very real instrument played by a real person...and guns

JUDAS PRIEST (1979): Leather, leather, leather and real instruments played by real people

AC/DC (1980): Jeans, jeans, Malcom's blue shirt and real instruments played by really short people.

MOTORHEAD (1982): Jean, Leather and a really huge pair of moles that could kick your real people who played real instruments.

METALLICA (1983): Jeans, leather and Cliff Burton....and real instruments played by real people.

GUNS 'N' ROSES (1988): Jeans, leather and real instruments played by real drunks.

JACKYL (1993): Jeans, guns and chainsaws played by real people.

ICED EARTH (1998): Jeans, leather and a Gold album in Greece....with real instruments played by real people...

And then we have...

****KORN, LIMP BIZKIT and friends (2000): Addidas, sports gear, pants around their ankles, computer hardware freeze ups and fake music played by fake people...who are worshipped by Carson Daly....

****GOT IT?  It ain't metal. It ain't hard rock. 30 years can't be wrong. Now go tell your friends you learned something today. 

Music Stuff
The Bashing Page: Songs I Hate and Me Making Fun of Them