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Daily Horoscope
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/* by Dan Seidman** ** An unauthorized point-and-click implementation of the E. S. ** Lowe game "Yahtzee", now owned by Milton Bradley.*/ import java.awt.Rectangle;import java.awt.Event;import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics;import java.awt.Font;import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.applet.AudioClip;public class Yahtzee extends java.applet.Applet { int totalWidth, totalHeight; int fontSize, dieSize, pipSize; // dimensions int rollNum; // which roll of the dice we're on Die dice[] = new Die[5]; BigButton rollBar, newGameBar; ScoreGroup scores[] = new ScoreGroup[14]; Font scoreFont, labelFont, rbFont, ngFont, msgFont; FontMetrics fm; // metrics for labels int paintFlags; // flags signalling what to repaint final int PaintDICE = 1; final int PaintSCORES = 2; final int PaintLABELS = 4; final int PaintTOPSEC = 8; final int PaintROLLBAR = 16; final int PaintNGBAR = 32; final int PaintMSG = 64; final int PaintGRAND = 128; final int PaintCHIPS = 256; final int PaintNOCHIPS = 512; final int PaintALL = 32767; int underMouse = 99; // which score group the mouse is now in AudioClip Aend; AudioClip AgoodY; AudioClip AbadY; AudioClip Anew; AudioClip Aroll; int diceSelected; // how many dice are currently highlighted int bonus; // number of bonus chips earned so far int filledGroups; // how many of the 13 score groups have been filled Color darkYellow = new Color(224, 224, 0); // used for bonus chips int topSection; // current +- running tab for top section bonus public void init() { Die d; setBackground(Color.lightGray); Aend = getAudioClip(getCodeBase(), "AUDIO/"); AgoodY = getAudioClip(getCodeBase(), "AUDIO/"); AbadY = getAudioClip(getCodeBase(), "AUDIO/"); Anew = getAudioClip(getCodeBase(), "AUDIO/"); Aroll = getAudioClip(getCodeBase(), "AUDIO/"); // initialize dimensions of various features totalWidth = Math.min(size().width, size().height); totalHeight = totalWidth; // force it to be square dieSize = totalWidth / 6; pipSize = dieSize / 5; fontSize = totalHeight / 24; scoreFont = new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, fontSize); labelFont = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD, fontSize); rbFont = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.PLAIN, dieSize / 2); ngFont = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.PLAIN, fontSize); msgFont = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.PLAIN, fontSize); fm = getFontMetrics(labelFont); // initialize dice for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { d = new Die(this, i); dice[i] = d; } // initialize rollbar (the "button" to roll the dice) rollBar = new BigButton(this, totalWidth / 2, dieSize * 3 / 2, totalWidth / 3, dieSize); // initialize the New Game button newGameBar = new BigButton(this, totalWidth * 2 / 3, totalHeight * 2 / 3, totalWidth / 5, dieSize * 2 / 3); // initialize score boxes scores[0] = new ScoreGroup(this, 0, "1's"); scores[1] = new ScoreGroup(this, 1, "2's"); scores[2] = new ScoreGroup(this, 2, "3's"); scores[3] = new ScoreGroup(this, 3, "4's"); scores[4] = new ScoreGroup(this, 4, "5's"); scores[5] = new ScoreGroup(this, 5, "6's"); scores[6] = new ScoreGroup(this, 6, "3 of a kind"); scores[7] = new ScoreGroup(this, 7, "4 of a kind"); scores[8] = new ScoreGroup(this, 8, "Full house"); scores[9] = new ScoreGroup(this, 9, "Sm straight"); scores[10] = new ScoreGroup(this, 10, "Lg straight"); scores[11] = new ScoreGroup(this, 11, "Yahtzee"); scores[12] = new ScoreGroup(this, 12, "Chance"); scores[13] = new ScoreGroup(this, 13, "Grand Total"); newGame(); } void newGame() { // initialize all values for a new game int i; rollNum = 1; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) dice[i].zeroDie(); for (i = 0; i < 13; i++) scores[i].zeroScore(); rollBar.zeroBB(); newGameBar.zeroBB(); diceSelected = 5; bonus = 0; filledGroups = 0; topSection = 0; paintFlags = PaintALL;; } public void update(Graphics g) { paint(g); } public void paint(Graphics g) { Die d; ScoreGroup s; int i; String t1, t2; // each part of the screen will be painted unless we have cleared its bit of PaintFLAGS -- // note that the score groups and dice also have individual flags as well // dice if ((paintFlags & PaintDICE) != 0) { for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { d = dice[i]; if (!d.noPaint) { if (d.selected) g.setColor(; else g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillRoundRect(d.x, d.y, d.width, d.height, 5, 5); // die surface g.setColor(; if (d.value > 0) { // draw the pips int center = (dieSize - pipSize) / 2; int corner = (pipSize / 2); int farcorner = dieSize - (3 * pipSize / 2); if (d.value % 2 == 1) { // odd #'s have center pip g.fillOval(d.x + center, d.y + center, pipSize, pipSize); } if (d.value > 1) { // 2-6 have TL and BR corner pips g.fillOval(d.x + corner, d.y + corner, pipSize, pipSize); g.fillOval(d.x + farcorner, d.y + farcorner, pipSize, pipSize); } if (d.value > 3) { // 4-6 have TR and BL corner pips g.fillOval(d.x + farcorner, d.y + corner, pipSize, pipSize); g.fillOval(d.x + corner, d.y + farcorner, pipSize, pipSize); } if (d.value == 6) { // 6 has CL and CR pips g.fillOval(d.x + corner, d.y + center, pipSize, pipSize); g.fillOval(d.x + farcorner, d.y + center, pipSize, pipSize); } } } d.noPaint = false; } } // rollbar if ((paintFlags & PaintROLLBAR) != 0) { if ( { g.setColor(; g.fill3DRect(rollBar.x, rollBar.y, rollBar.width, rollBar.height, rollBar.raised); } else { g.setColor(getBackground()); g.fill3DRect(rollBar.x, rollBar.y, rollBar.width, rollBar.height, true); } if (rollNum < 4) { g.setColor(; g.setFont(rbFont); g.drawString("Roll " + rollNum, rollBar.x + (rollBar.width / 5), rollBar.y + (rollBar.height * 2 / 3)); } } // new-game bar if ((paintFlags & PaintNGBAR) != 0) { g.setColor(; g.fill3DRect(newGameBar.x, newGameBar.y, newGameBar.width, newGameBar.height, newGameBar.raised); g.setColor(; g.setFont(ngFont); g.drawString("New game", newGameBar.x + (newGameBar.width / 10), newGameBar.y + (fontSize * 3 / 2)); } // score boxes and their labels if ((paintFlags & PaintLABELS) != 0) { g.setFont(labelFont); g.setColor(; for (i = 0; i < 13; i++) g.drawString(scores[i].name, scores[i].x - fm.stringWidth(scores[i].name) - 5, scores[i].y + fontSize); } if ((paintFlags & PaintSCORES) != 0) { g.setFont(scoreFont); for (i = 0; i < 13; i++) { s = scores[i]; if (!s.noPaint) { g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillRect(s.x, s.y, s.width, s.height); if (s.filled) { g.setColor(; g.drawString(String.valueOf(s.value), s.x + 1, s.y + fontSize); } else if (i == underMouse) { g.setColor(; g.drawString(String.valueOf(s.value), s.x + 1, s.y + fontSize); } } s.noPaint = false; } } // grand total score box if ((paintFlags & PaintGRAND) != 0) { if (filledGroups == 13) { // game over s = scores[13]; g.setColor(getBackground()); g.fillRect(0, scores[2].y, scores[0].x - scores[0].width, scores[0].height * 3); g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillRect(s.x, s.y, s.width, s.height); g.setFont(labelFont); g.setColor(Color.magenta); g.drawString(, s.x - fm.stringWidth( - 5, s.y + fontSize); g.setFont(scoreFont); g.drawString(String.valueOf(s.value), s.x + 1, s.y + fontSize); if (topSection >= 0) { g.drawString(" +35", fontSize, scores[3].y); g.setFont(ngFont); g.drawString("points", fontSize, scores[4].y); } else { g.drawString(" X", fontSize, scores[3].y); } } else { // clear it g.setColor(getBackground()); g.fillRect(0, scores[13].y, scores[13].x + scores[13].width + 1, scores[13].height + 1); } } // +- indicator for top section if ((paintFlags & PaintTOPSEC) != 0) { if (filledGroups != 13) { // final result always handled above g.setColor(getBackground()); g.fillRect(0, scores[2].y, scores[0].x - scores[0].width, scores[0].height * 3); g.setColor(; g.setFont(scoreFont); g.drawString((topSection > 0 ? "+" : "") + topSection, fontSize, scores[3].y); } } // a brief instructional message if ((paintFlags & PaintMSG) != 0) { g.setColor(getBackground()); g.fillRect(totalWidth / 2, rollBar.y + rollBar.height + 1, totalWidth / 2, dieSize); g.setColor(; g.setFont(msgFont); if (filledGroups == 13) { t1 = "Press the green bar"; t2 = " for another game"; } else if (rollNum == 1) { t1 = "Press the Roll bar"; t2 = " to roll the dice"; } else if (rollNum == 4) { t1 = "Select a score box"; t2 = ""; } else { t1 = "Select a score box, or"; t2 = " select dice and reroll"; } g.drawString(t1, totalWidth / 2, rollBar.y + rollBar.height + fontSize + 10); g.drawString(t2, totalWidth / 2, rollBar.y + rollBar.height + (2 * fontSize) + 10); } // bonus chips if ((paintFlags & PaintNOCHIPS) != 0) { // need to be cleared for new game g.setColor(getBackground()); g.fillRect(totalWidth / 2, totalHeight - (fontSize * 2) - 20, totalWidth / 2, fontSize * 2); } else if ((paintFlags & PaintCHIPS) != 0) { for (i = 0; i < bonus; i++) { g.setColor(darkYellow); g.fillOval(i * (fontSize * 2 + 10) + totalWidth / 2, totalHeight - (fontSize * 2) - 20, fontSize * 2, fontSize * 2); g.setColor(Color.yellow); g.fillOval(i * (fontSize * 2 + 10) + totalWidth / 2 + fontSize / 2, totalHeight - (fontSize * 3 / 2) - 20, fontSize, fontSize); } } paintFlags = PaintALL; // reset } public boolean mouseDown (Event evt, int x, int y) { Die d; // if on a die, select or deselect it; if on the bar, depress it; else ignore if (rollNum > 1 && rollNum < 4) for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { d = dice[i]; if (d.inside(x, y)) { paintFlags = PaintDICE; if (d.selected) { diceSelected--; d.selected = false; if (diceSelected == 0) { = false; paintFlags |= PaintROLLBAR; } } else { diceSelected++; d.selected = true; = true; if (diceSelected == 1) paintFlags |= PaintROLLBAR; } for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) if (i != j) dice[j].noPaint = true; repaint(); return true; } } if (rollBar.inside(x, y) && { rollBar.raised = false; paintFlags = PaintROLLBAR; repaint(); return true; } if (newGameBar.inside(x, y)) { newGameBar.raised = false; paintFlags = PaintNGBAR; repaint(); return true; } return(false); } public boolean mouseUp (Event evt, int x, int y) { // if on depressed bar, roll if (!rollBar.raised && rollBar.inside(x, y)) { rollBar.raised = true;; roll(); paintFlags = PaintDICE | PaintROLLBAR | PaintMSG; repaint(); if (dice[0].value == dice[1].value && dice[1].value == dice[2].value && dice[2].value == dice[3].value && dice[3].value == dice[4].value) { // Yahtzee rolled Aroll.stop(); if (scores[11].filled && scores[11].value == 0); else; } return true; } // if the user wants a new game, reinitialize if (!newGameBar.raised && newGameBar.inside(x, y)) { newGame(); paintFlags = PaintALL; repaint(); return true; } // if on a valid scoregroup, select and record the score if (underMouse != 99 && scores[underMouse].inside(x, y)) { paintFlags = PaintSCORES | PaintDICE | PaintROLLBAR | PaintMSG; if (scores[11].filled && scores[11].value == 50 && // detect bonus chip earned dice[0].value == dice[1].value && dice[1].value == dice[2].value && dice[2].value == dice[3].value && dice[3].value == dice[4].value) { bonus++; paintFlags |= PaintCHIPS; } scores[underMouse].filled = true; if (underMouse < 6) { // adjust top section indicator topSection += (scores[underMouse].value) - (3 * (underMouse + 1)); paintFlags |= PaintTOPSEC; } underMouse = 99; rollBar.raised = true; if (++filledGroups == 13) { // game over int t = bonus * 100; // bonus chips for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++) t += scores[i].value; // basic score if (topSection >= 0) t += 35; // top bonus scores[13].value = t; rollNum = 4; = false; paintFlags |= PaintGRAND;; } else { // reset the dice for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) dice[j].zeroDie(); diceSelected = 5; rollNum = 1; = true; } repaint(); return(true); } // if bar had been depressed; cancel that if (!rollBar.raised) { rollBar.raised = true; paintFlags = PaintROLLBAR; repaint(); return(true); } if (!newGameBar.raised) { newGameBar.raised = true; paintFlags = PaintNGBAR; repaint(); return(true); } return(false); } public boolean mouseMove (Event evt, int x, int y) { // if we move over a score box we can fill, highlight it ScoreGroup s; int newUnder = 99, i; if (rollNum != 1) { for (i = 0; i < 13; i++) { s = scores[i]; if (s.inside(x, y) && !s.filled) { newUnder = i; if (i != underMouse) s.calc(i); break; } } if (newUnder != underMouse) { for (i = 0; i < 13; i++) scores[i].noPaint = true; if (underMouse != 99) scores[underMouse].noPaint = false; if (newUnder != 99) scores[newUnder].noPaint = false; underMouse = newUnder; paintFlags = PaintSCORES; repaint(); return true; } } return(false); } // roll the selected dice void roll() { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) if (dice[i].selected) { dice[i].value = 1 + (int)Math.floor(Math.random() * 6); if (dice[i].value > 6) // shouldn't happen, but it's not clear dice[i].value = 6; dice[i].selected = false; } else dice[i].noPaint = true; diceSelected = 0; = false; rollNum++; }}class Die extends Rectangle { Yahtzee parent; boolean selected; boolean noPaint; int value; Die(Yahtzee target, int offset) { int gap = target.dieSize / 6; parent = target; width = height = parent.dieSize; x = (offset * (gap + width)) + gap; y = gap; } void zeroDie() { value = 0; selected = true; noPaint = false; }} class BigButton extends Rectangle { Yahtzee parent; boolean raised; boolean active; boolean noPaint; BigButton(Yahtzee target, int x, int y, int w, int h) { super(x, y, w, h); parent = target; } void zeroBB() { raised = true; active = true; noPaint = false; }}class ScoreGroup extends Rectangle { Yahtzee parent; int value; boolean filled; boolean noPaint; String name; ScoreGroup(Yahtzee target, int offset, String text) { x = target.fontSize * 6; y = target.dieSize + ((target.fontSize + 4) * (offset + 1)); width = target.fontSize * 2; height = target.fontSize + 2; parent = target; name = text; } void zeroScore() { value = 0; filled = false; noPaint = false; } void calc(int groupNum) { // calculate the score for this group int i, j, points = 0, consec = 0, total = 0; int totals[] = new int[7]; boolean yahtzee = false, joker = false, fh; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { j = parent.dice[i].value; total += j; totals[j] += 1; if (totals[j] == 5) { yahtzee = true; if (parent.scores[11].filled && parent.scores[j-1].filled) joker = true; // joker condition } } if (groupNum < 6) // 1's, 2's, etc. points = (groupNum + 1) * totals[groupNum + 1]; else if (groupNum == 6 || groupNum == 7) { // 3 or 4 of a kind for (j = 1; j < 7; j++) if (totals[j] > (groupNum - 4)) points = total; } else if (groupNum == 8) { // full house if (joker) points = 25; else { fh = true; for (j = 1; j < 7; j++) if (totals[j] == 1 || totals[j] == 4 || totals[j] == 5) fh = false; points = fh ? 25 : 0; } } else if (groupNum == 9 || groupNum == 10) { // small or large straight if (joker) points = groupNum == 9 ? 30 : 40; else { for (j = 1; j < 7; j++) { if (totals[j] > 0) consec++; else consec = 0; if (consec > (groupNum - 6)) { points = groupNum == 9 ? 30 : 40; break; } } } } else if (groupNum == 11) // Yahtzee points = yahtzee ? 50 : 0; else if (groupNum == 12) // chance points = total; parent.scores[groupNum].value = points; }}