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Barber Quarters

another 1900
found this one on 11-16-01 at a demo site where a house had just been moved. this pic is how it looked right after digging it up.

  • obverse
    hahaha took me 2 years to find my 8th one. and this one is by far the finest looking. dug on 1/22/01 in Niles canyon. Also pictured is my 2nd half-dime and a 1914s dime, all found on the same weekend

  • 1899+2 buffalos
    finally found my 7th barber quarter. found it on 8/21/99 at a school in San Jose CA. the school had some grass torn up and so i decided to search it. ironicly all i got were the nickels shown. it was in the front area grass(untouched) that i got the quarter at 4 1/2 inches down.

  • obverse
    i found the first one at a demo site off of Alameda and Julian st. in S.J. there used to be an old brewery(falstaff) there, dating back to the 1860's. the second pic was my first barber qtr. found at an old dump site which is now being converted into a parking lot.

  • 1900s+1895s
  • obverse
    was hunting a powdery dirt field the size of a football field when i got the 1900s. my friend(dan kelly) was just complaining how he'd still not found a barber Qtr yet. then 20 yards and few minutes later out came my 6th one.

  • 1894+1906
  • obverse
    there's a large area near San Jose airport where an old neiborhood once stood. one morning after work i drove by and some city workers were cutting a 3ft deep trench. when they were done, i searched the dirt piles and found a shiny,worn, 1906 Qtr. the 1894 Qtr came from Taylor st. and Guadelupe Exp. i did'nt know it at the time but apparently San jose's old china town once existed there. now it's just an empty field.

  • Barber Dimes
    horace mann school demo
    the horace mann school, originally called the Santa Clara St school built in 1867 is being demo'd. the city plans on remodeling the entire neighborhood. the scan is bad. pictured is 1902o and 1908d dimes. also 1896 cent and 1889 nickel.

    1900sfound at the southern pacific train depot in san jose. nice shape, almost the whole "liberty" is visible

    chinatown dime found an 1898 barber dime and 3 chinese cash coins on 4-8-00. got these at the old chinatown site in downtown san jose.

    barber dimes sheet #1
    this is my first sheet of dimesreverse sheet #1

    i still have some loose ones somewhere