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Half Dollars
  • 1918 Walking Half
    found on 10-21-01 in a parking strip. was digging the usual wheat cents and was'nt expecting this one.
  • more walkers
    here are the other walking halves i've found. not much but i like 'em.
  • Franklin halves
    this a page out of my coin binder. shows my only 2 franklin halves and some some other types.


Standing Liberty and Washington types here

Nickels and Cents

Indian Cents, 2 cents, and all nickel types. still have a few more to scan.

  • 1869 sheild nickel
    dug this one across the street from where the 2 center came from. also in pic chinese cash coin and 1892 un centavosreverse pic
  • 1871 2 cent piece
    My first ever 2 cent piece. found on 11-17-01 along with a 1902 indian cent.
  • 1864 indian cent
    found this one in the same place the 2 center came from. also pictured is a strange religious thing, dated 1846
  • 1865 Indian cent
    found this one the day after i found the 1869 nickel. on 10-17-01
  • 1888 indian cent
    went to a well hunted park and found a spot loaded with pennies.
  • Nickels and Cents
    finds for 11-30-00. found a median strip tore up. took me several days work it. 2 indian cents,2 buffalos, 2 1909 wheat cents, 1 chinese, 1 war nickel.more stuff from there