well here are all of my seated coins(27) to date(12/30/01). these are probably my favorite types of coins to find.
silver dollars
1881s Morgan
Dollar i never thought i was ever gonna dig one of these. there was an old barn in Santa Clara that had been torn down. the land owner said the barn was erected in the '30's. apparently there was something there before that. thanks to some bottle diggers, i found this morgan dollar in the dirt they had left behind. At first i thought it was a large mexican coin, but after cleaning it i could not believe my eyes!reverse
seated halves
seated quarters
- 1854w/arrows
reverse i found this one at a demo site in
San jose CA, near the SHARKS stadium. currently the site has been turned into a parking lot. before this some of San Jose's oldest home once stood there.
- 1856
this was my very first seated qtr. found at an old dump site
- 1860
sometimes it pays to search dirt piles. i got off work one morning at 6am, drove around and found a large pile of dirt. the dirt had signs of old age-broken glass,pottery and bricks. After about an hour of digging junk, i was ready to give up. then out popped my 3rd seated quarter.
- 1861 obverse
reverse everyone has a secret spot. mine is an old trail located near a creek in the san jose CA area. you have to hike to get to this spot which is probably why its never been hunted before. every time i dig a seated coin, i figure it'll be my last. so i was pretty shocked when this beauty was recovered.
- 1855s
found this on 7/27/00. my birthday! got this one at the same place as above. this place is covered with tall grass, so hunting is hard(and hot!!). the obverse is very worn so the pic is of the back. also in pic is casings and strange bullet.
- 1876cc
this was my second seated quarter found at the same site as the 1856
seated dimes
- 1864s dime
found this one on the first day of Jan 01. it came from the site of an old bar up in Niles canyon
- 1883dime
found this one at a site near the S.J. airport. this coin has been altered on the back side, making it a "love token" the obverse has someone's initials etched into it. these were made for a person to give another that he/she loved. found another 1883 love token on 4/7/01. its at the bottom of page
- 1891
there was an empty lot in Fremont,CA. every year for 20+years the lot was tilled. in the middle there used to be a small tree. one day i went to the lot and the tree was gone. when i searched the spot, i found probably the best looking coin i've ever found. the pic does'nt show it but this coin is almost flawless.
- 1891 #2
this one came from another dump site which is now a parking lot.
- 1891 #3
my 3rd one of this date, this one looks really bad. this was actually the first seated coin i ever found. also that day i found my first seated quarter(1856)!
- 1874
found this one while bottle digging at about 4 ft down. i was sitting in the hole and was probeing for glass, when i noticed the small circular object.
- 1850
this is my oldest american coin. found in/at Niles canyon, CA. Surprisingly i thought the signal was junk since i pinpointed it at a 1/2 inch deep.
- 1872
another burnt dime. like most of my seated coins it came from an old dump. right next to where i dug this coin, a friend came up got a signal and dug 2 half-dimes('40,'45) right next to me. still have no idea how i missed those.
- 1884
this one also came from the sharks stadium area. on the very corner of an empty lot, faceing the street, was a freshly dug bottle hole. thanks again to bottle diggers for digging this one up and leaving it behind.
- 1887
found this one in an old dump(now covered with asphalt)that once existed behind the San Jose historical museum.
- 1887s
this was my 12th seated dime, found on 9/3/99, at a local construction site . also included in this picture are 2 USMC buttons and a USMC pin that i found at the same construction site in San Jose, CA.
- another 1887s
found this one(10/22/00) at the site of the old Southern Pacific train depot in san jose. the other dime(1909s) was found at Niles canyon.
- 1883 love token and 1887s
found both of these coins on 4/7/01 at the horace mann demo.WOW only my second love token and its the same year as the first!the back says"Adele" incredible yet ANOTHER 1887s dime.obverse
love token ring
close up of oberverse of adele dime. also my first love token ring made from an 1870's french silver coin.
- 1890+
in this pic i scanned some of the seated dimes i found in 2001. the 1890 dime came from a house demo. its ugly lookin'
- no date
this is my second worse looking seated dime. the first one i won't even bother posting
seated half-dimes
- 1868 half-dime
wow, took what seemed like forever to get my first half-dime. got off work one morning and drove down to an old neighborhood near the S.J. SHARKS stadium. i was in luck, one of the sidewalks had been removed! dug 3 zinc cents then, up came this half-dime. also dug an 1863 civil war token about 5 feet away.
- finally dug my second half-dime on 1/20/01 in SJ at a construction site. amazingly this one is only 1 year newer than the first-1869. the pic is with my newest barber Qtr on the barber page
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