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Plankeye Lyrics Album:Commonwealth

Whisper To Me
Isn't it funny what I forgot today; isn't it great how you work in spite of me
I can see that your not laughing; Yeah I know it's not a joking matter
I guess it's just one of the ways to hide me from my share...
When I think you left forever I hear your voice - whisper to me
You are a son of grace, you are a new born saint
You are a chosen temple for me to rest my name
I hung there crucified, I lived and died and lived again
I saw eternity collide to bring you to me
When I think you left forever I hear your voice I hear your voice, and when I think you left forever I hear your voice - whisper to me

Well I fought a good fight; I thought the battle had been won
I thought that it was over; until you came along
Sweet as candy but sour as a lime
You rattled my cages, you took me for a ride
Smacked and knocked down, you hit me blindside
I thought that I had waited but it was the wrong time
Jesus prepare me; and do with me as you will
I'll wait till this is over; for me you will fulfill
People will come and go, but Jesus remains the way
Put your hope in heaven, and you'll never be the same....

Push Me Down(Veiled)
How can I move forward from this place? ...of disgrace
I'm full of stone, immovable
Push me down, push me down now
I might break in two, suffer a chip
Created,create, created, an opaque mess
I might break in two, suffer a chip
Now all that echos in the chambers of my heart
Thin silouettes of your truth
Push me down, push me down now
Remove the veils that once were torn by your blood
Lift the scales that I might truly see all of you and you in me

Struck By The Chord
Winded again by my broken silence; Love's become a noise, as my tongues on fire
My heart consumed, struck by the chord of pride; Woe is me I shall come down I shall come down
Can't seem to see me, my words are much too loud, as my tongues on fire
Easily ensnared, strenghthen my hands which hang down
Quench the violence of my fire, of my fire...
Precious blood of Christ, bring death that I might see life
I see a new life, I shall come down; I see new life, I shall come down

Don't bow down, before an empty tomb; Where a pretty face makes you stumble
And another chance is a hidden fall; a hidden fall
You made that thing with your hands but you kneel down in front of it and pledge your allegiance and all you own to plastic idols , and a rubber soul...
God is in His holy temple, so let us all be silent
I worship and adore you my God; Casting down my treasures to the ground
Making dust of anything that I could set up in you place
Be thou exalted, be thou exalted
God is in His holy temple, so let us all be silent

He sits and hears the story of his life
His tears fall down like rain as he begins to realize
and I wish that I was near to you, and I wish that I was there again
Life is more than gold; friends are more than old; memories are the commonwealth
Thinking only about the Son, that he may have forgotten
You know you were the only one, putting yourself in the place of that man
Thanking God as the passes by, another man does the same
He thinks about hte reasons why, maybe she was the one to blame
Life is more than gold; friends are more than old
Memories are the commonwealth

Take me far away, live a place to stay
cause I've been wondering for far too long from the shadows of your wings
complacency has taken over; fly me far away
And I forgot just what He means to me
Did you forget what you mean?
Except for the silence......
Have you noticed that I'm still here?
I wait in vain, when will you come near?
Words influence my nakedness & compromise blurs the lines of distinction

I have a wife, and together we live, in a very small room
Yesterday she lost, her car broke down, and now I ride a bicyle
You say I told you so, you were much too young to get married
But I say, Your'e much too old, and when did you stop living anyway?
As I ride my bike, with my safety helmet on, and my white tennis shoes
They stare at me, but I see through new eyes, or maybe you just don't remember
This place that I'm supposed to be, is not the chair in front of a desk in front of a mirror
Can't you see that it's not here or there or anywhere
But in speaking distance with God and where can you go that's too far?
Because I can worship Him anywhere

You shared her with me yesterday, so close yet so far away
It's the little things she does that magnifies your grace
And your grace resonates in my soul every time I see her face
At your feet I lay her down, humbly before you I bow
She's the blessing, you've given to me, Father of light
The lines have fallen in pleasant places, many daughters have done well
But you excel them all
Protect her and mold her with your hands
You've been good to me my sweet
And your grace resonates in my soul every time I see her face
You have been a shelter Lord, she has been my dream
Beautiful, Beautiful, I feel your grace abound on me
In the light, in the light
At your feet I lay her down, humbly before you I bow
She's the blessing, you've given to me, Father of light

Who Loves You More?
I stir my cup and think of you; It's just the little things that break me
But it's not right to hold you so tight
I end up wrestling with God over you
Whose hands are safer?; Who could steal you from His grip?
It separates the ocean, with a brush so effortless
There is nothing to worry about, because who loves you more than Jesus?
So here again I find myself and everything I've ever loved, at the foot of the cross with three nails
There is nothing to worry about, because who loves you more than Jesus?
If I hold on to you, will I let go of Christ?
Will I end up denying Him in abundance of thrice?
Will I end up in the end with less than when I started?
When I surrender......

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