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Pokemon codes


Catch Missingno : Pokemon #00 WARNING : Catching him may screw up your game. Go trade Pokemon with a trainer in the Pokemon Lab, for instance. Then go to cinnabar island and swim 50% in water, 50% on land until you screen comes black. You screen will become black for about 4 seconds then Missingno will appear. He's at level 80 but his defense level is very low so it will be easy to get his HP down.

MasterBall Cheat When you are throwing a Pokeball, Ultraball, or great ball, hold down, b, and a. and then it will act like a master ball. it will sometimes work.

Game Shark codes 

Start with any Pokemon

- 01xx1ED1 (the numbers beside the Pokemon names are supposed to be put in the xx's)

Bulbasaur-99 Ivysaur-09 Venusaur-9a Charmander-b0 Charmeleon-b2 Charizard-b4 Squirtle-b1 Wartortle-b3 Blastoise-1c Caterpie-7b Metapod-7c Butterfree-7d Weedle-70 Kakuna-71 Beedrill-72 Pidgey-24 Pidgeotto-96 Pidgeot-97 Rattata-a5 Raticate-a6 Spearow-05 Fearow-23 Ekans-6c Arbok-2d Pikachu-54 Raichu-55 Sandshrew-60 Sandslash-61 Nidoran(female)-0f Nidorina-a8 NidoQueen-10 Nidoran(male)-03 Nidorino-a7 NidoKing-07 Clefairy-04 Clefable-8e Vulpix-52 Ninetales-53 Jigglypuff-64 Wigglytuff-65 Zubat-6b Golbat-82 Oddish-b9 Gloom-ba Vileplume-bb Paras-6d Parasect-2e Venonat-41 Venamoth--77 Diglett-3b Dugtrio-76 Meowth-4d Persian-90 Psyduck-2f Golduck-80 Mankey-39 Primeape-75 Growlithe-21 Arcanine-14 Poliwag-47 Poliwhirl-6e Poliwrath-6f abra-94 Kadabra-26 Alakazam-95 Machop-6a Machoke-29 Machamp-7e Bellsprout-bc Weepinbell-bd Victreebell-be Tentacool-18 Tentacruel-9b Geodude-a9 Graveler-27 Golem--31 Ponyta-a3 Rapidash-a4 Slowpoke-25 Slowbro-08 Magnemite-ad Magneton-36 Farfetch'd-40 Doduo-46 Dodrio-74 Seel--3a Dewgong-78 Grimer-0d Muk-88 Shellder-17 Cloyster-8b Gastly-19 Haunter-93 Gengar-0e Onix-22 Drowzee-30 Hypno-81 Krabby-4e Kingler-8a Voltorb-06 Electrode--8d Exeggcute-0c Exeggutor-0a Cubone-11 Marowak-91 Hitmonlee-2b Hitmonchan-2c Lick0itung-0b Koffing-37 Weezing-8f Rhyhorn-12 Rhydon-01 Chansey-28 Tangela-1e Kangaskhan-02 Horsea-5c Seadra-5d Goldeen-9d Seaking-9e Staru-1b Starmie-98 Mr. Mime-2a Scyther-1a Jynx-48 Electabuzz-35 Magmar-33 Pinsir-1d Tauros-3c Magikarp-85 Gyarados-16 Lapras-13 Ditto-4c Eevee-66 Vaporeon-69 Jolteon-68 Flareon-67 Porygon-aa Omanyte-62 Omastar-63 Kabuto-5a Kabutops-5b -Aerodactyl-ab Snorlax-84 Articuno-4a Zapdos-4b Motres-49 Dratini-58 Dragonair-59 Dragonite-42 Mewtwo-83 Mew-15 Missingno-34

Catch wild Pokemon

- 01xxD8CF (the numbers beside the Pokemon names are supposed to be put in the xx's)

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