Pokemon Blue and red version
Bulbasaur Squirtle Charmander
Type : Grass and Poison Type : Water Type : Fire
These are the three starter Pokemon in the Pokemon Blue and Red version for the Game Boy
Pokemon is the great game that started it all!!! Like the tv show, you want to become a Pokemon
master. You must capture as many as you can while defeating Gym Leaders to earn badges. There are 8 badges to collect, and they are used for many things, mainly to get into the Pokemon League competition. You are Ash, while your rival is Gary. Of course, you may change their names at the beginning of the game. You will have to battle him at various points in the game, and he will have new and stronger Pokemon, just like you. The three starter Pokemon are Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle. Don't worry! If you want him, Pikachu is in the wild. A cool but sometimes annoying part of the game is trading. Using a Game Link Cable, you may battle or trade with friends! There are two versions (Blue and Red) of the game, and some Pokemon are in one version only. That means you have to trade with a buddy who has the other version to get all 150! So if you wnat a good, fun, long lasting game, you'll know where to look !
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