Destroyed Buildings- Page 4
World War II #300 Building System
These buildings are similar to the destroyed buildings we have offered in the past (see Destroyed Buildings pages 1 & 2) but these are designed to be linked together to depict city areas. The heart of the system is destroyed building #300. This is a complete, four sided building with a second floor.
Building #300 is also offer in two sections. One section, #301, consists of the sand bagged front wall and the peaked roof or right side. The second section, #302, consist of the back wall and left side wall. Sections #301 and #302 can be placed together to form a complete building identical to #300, or arranged in other ways. For example, you can purchase section #301 and use it as a stand alone destroyed building. Later, add a #302 to make the complete building… or join the sections next to each other to create a three sided facade nearly 15" long.
Buildings #P315 (left extention) and P316(right extension) can be used to economically increase the size of your city diorama.
The building sections are cast in a resilient polyurethane plastic and assembled. They are fully painted as illustrated in the photos.
For a really good look, click on the links below
Close up
301 and 302 End to End
#300 shown with P008 Church
City Block
P300 Destroyed Building
#300-This is a fully assembled, four sided, battle damgaed building. It is rectangular measuring about 8"x7". It includes sandbagged front door and window and a unique, "ruins" on the left side wall. Sections of the second floor are modeled with floor and beam detail and will accommodate standing and kneeling figures. (note: this building is fully assembled as one unit. If you wish to have two sepearte "L" shaped sections to arrange as you wish, order one 301 and one #302) P300
P300 $84.99
P300K (Kit) 6 unpainted and unassembled castings, med gray $35
Side Wall
Back of #300