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This is the website for Morrow Project MARS Team A-1

While this is primarily for one specific PBEM team, the site contains much useful information for any Morrow Project gamer. Especially those who PBEM without the rulebook and don't know what much of the equipment looks like, or what they are equipped with.

If you know of any way to make this site better, or have better images than the ones presented here, feel free to let me know.

The Morrow Project is Copyrighted (1980) and Owned by Timeline Ltd.

This page is in no way intended to infringe on their Copyright. This website is non-profit and recreational only, for the use of Players and Gamemasters alike.

This website refers to a game and bears no resemblance to any known real-life organizations or persons.

I would like to gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Chris Cosper and Jeff Schwartz who donated photographs which helped greatly in the construction of this website.