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Paul Jackson

Paul "Buzz" Jackson a classical example of early project personal. Born in the thirties, with his military experience coming out of Korea. The post military years were spent gaining more education and establishing a profession. In the sixties he joined the project.

1932-1937: Born-preschool Lancaster, Pennsylvania
During this period Lancaster was the center of a large Amish farming community. Pauls parents were one of the few non Amish family farms in the area. Not being Amish should have meant minimal contact with the Amish, but children being children and neighbors being neighbors meant that he had some exposure to the community at an early age. However Paul mostly did the usual farm work and play for a child his age.

1938-1949: Primary Education Lancaster, Pennsylvania
School was an interesting if not thrilling change for Paul. He liked science, history and vocational classes. However the farm was where he felt he was needed. During this period he started his serious involvement in equestrian pursuits. Riding and driving were common skills which he pick up in his early teens and pursued all of his life. His early interest in cowboys turned into an interest in cavalry units and practices Towards the end of this period he became romantically involved with a local girl, sadly it did not end well which resulted in Paul looking for options out of the area.

1950-1953: Enlistment In Seabees Korea
The option he chose was the Navy. He thought the training he would receive would pay dividends latter on in life. He really enjoyed the service, Korea was even alright he learned the electrical trade and he didn't even get shot at much. After four years of service he realized that every leave he took was taking him home so he realized it was time for a change.

1954-1957: Undergraduate Studies Penn State Philadelphia,PA
This period was very enjoyable the courses he pursued (pre vet) were relatively easy for some reason. In order to afford his activities he landed a part time third shift maintenance job at a commercial utilities company. There was an incident involving a fallen wrench, a bus bar and the new nickname of "Buzz" which he still carries.

1958-1961: Veterinary School Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
To Pauls amazement he landed a new scholarship to Cornell for his Doctorate studies. Surgery was his personal favorite but a research paper detailing and adapting the veterinary practices of the Amish of his childhood area was the trigger that would change his life forever.

1962-1964: Private Practice Lancaster, Pennsylvania
After Graduation Paul returned to Lancaster to practice. It was a not terribly lucrative practice but he did have more than enough time to pickup some Farrier skills. In the end Paul saw that what he was hoping to return to was more nostalgia than reality. So when a research position was offered by Darwin Pharmaceuticals he accepted.

1965-1967: Darwin Pharmaceuticals New York, New York.
Darwin was setting up low tech veterinary program they could export to the third world. It was to be based around some new products that had yet to be released. It was on a research and test study that most of the team was kidnapped and presumed killed by rebels in Columbia. In reality Darwin was a Project front that was laundering personnel, money, research and equipment. Paul was studied, tested, recruited and preserved during the Darwin period. Paul thinks he is to assist in assessing and expanding the equine pool in the critical post war years and at some point start a long term training program for low tech veterinary training. Well "best laid plans and all".

1968: Preservation Date