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Team Roster

(Scroll down to see team introduction)

Team Leader/Communications:Assistant Team Leader/Driver:
Carmen Valdez Kenji Shimura

81mm Mortar Gunner:Loader/Machinegunner:
Roy Rogers Wayne Paul Jackson

2nd Loader/Scout:
Jack Dallas Hayes and Bullet

MARS Team A-1
MARS Training Began: July 5th, 2000
Frozen: January 15th 1999
Teammembers: Carmen Valdez, Kenji Shimura, Roy Rogers Wayne, Sam Tyler, Jack Hayes and Bullet

It was a hundred degrees in the shade when MARS Team A-1 arrived at the Morrow Training grounds outside of what used to be White Sands Air Force Base, New Mexico. It was also the first time they met each other. Somehow, things just didn't start right. The bus broke down on the way there and they had to fix it. That was just the beginning.

Roy was always a loner so to work with a team was something new. His time as a sniper simply reinforced that. He figured that this could be no worst than getting shot in the head, that nasty scar being visible when not wearing a hat. He couldn't care less about riding around in a tincan but that what the project said, so that was what he would do.

Due to an ATF investigation and a strike at the Cadillac Gage factory, their vehicle wasn't ready when they arrived. So training was on hold. Since most of them had been legally declared dead prior to their training, hanging out in the nearest town was definately out of the question. Project security had to be maintained. After several days of waiting, the Morrow Instructors started them on non-vehicular training such as hand to hand and weapons fire.

Roy was always ready to help anyone with their shooting skill on the range if asked. He never pushed himself on anyone. Roy was just itching to get to work. Carmen spent some time with the big guy, she needed the help.

From the get-go it was obvious that Carmen Valdez would never be an expert marksman. No wonder that her choice of main weapon was an automatic shotgun. However, in the sand pits (hand to hand training) the tall mulatto girl was a sight to behold. She was a Capoeira Mestra, a master instructor of the odd Brazilian martial art based on dancing. When fighting, she spent more time upside down than on her feet. Gravity seemed to be a minor inconvenience that she more or less ignored.

When it became obvious that no vehicle would be forthcoming for awhile, the group became discouraged. One evening sitting around Carmen commented, "There's got to be something around here."

Sam Tyler replied, "I did some exploring around this old airfield. Trust me, the only thing to be found is a junked out old mortar carrier that belongs in a museum.

Carmen sighed and then brightened. She jumped to her feet. "Show me, Sam." Turning to the rest of the team, she gestured for them to follow, "Come on guys..."

What they found was a wreck alright. Obviously left over from Viet Nam, someone had once painted "DaNang or Bust!" on the side of it. More recently that was lined through and under that was painted "Busted!" Carmen groaned and said, "Well, we got our work cut out for us. Good thing you used to be a mechanic, Sam." Then she picked up a rock from the ground and scratched out the writing and scratched the name "Buster" into the faded and chipping paint.

"Look on the bright side boys," Carmen said, "when we get done, we'll know this thing inside out."

This was a typical attitude for the Brazilian-born female. Make the best of a bad situation and have fun with it. The Morrow instructors were obviously amused, but pleased with the ambitious project.

Roy just wanted to help people and not have to kill any more. He would if the team was threatened but only then. For him, the fixing up of Buster just to help pass the time.

It took over two months of work, sunup to sundown, but by the time they were done, MARS Team A-1 had their vehicle. Buster was now an official member of the Morrow Project. Wayne sorta wished it had been called Trigger, but then he would have to paint it white. That would not fly at all but he did start to like the old brute.

The V-150 was quirky, to be sure. But A-1 knew every nut, bolt and erratic quirk the ehicle had. And learned a lot about themselves and each other in the process. As a result, the Morrow Project redesignated them as a Fire Support Team and began their training accordingly.

While everyone but Carmen had a military background, no one had any experience with artillery, mortars, or indirect fire. So it was a new concept to all of them. It was never intended that the become a Fire Support Team so they had to be trained from scratch.

Carmen Valdez displayed an aptitude with computers and plotting vectors, trajectories and the like on maps. She was the obvious choice for a Fire Control Officer.

Roy Wayne's incredible firearms accuracy proved to leak over into direct fire with mortars. The man could simply shoot. He was an obvious choice as a gunner. He enjoyed the 81 mm Mortar training as it was so different from all those high tech missile things. Roy had to prove to himself that he could do this.

Kenji Shimura had been an orienteering and mountaineering instructor in the Morrow Project before volunteering for field duty. The Asian-American could with pinpoint accuracy determine the team's exact location on a map. He also found he really enjoyed driving the V-150.

Sam Tyler was a Mechanic before joining the project and volunteered to be loader.

Jack Hayes and Bullet were the team scouts. No doubt about that. So Jack was taught how to plot enemy positions on a map and call for indirect fire.

Oddly, during the MARS team training, the other personnel who had much more military experience kept turning to Carmen for leadership. Due to her natural charisma and common sense she found herself in the forefront much more often than expected. Also she had a tendency to step forward and do what was needed, and everyone else joined in. When team positions were brought up, her teammates wanted her as Team Leader. Carmen agreed with the understanding that she would rely on her more experienced teammates in technical matters.

When it was time for MARS Team A-1 to be frozen, they were presented with a brand new V-150 Mortar Carrier. To the last person they objected violently. Buster had a personality, quirky or not. To A-1, Buster was a member of their team. So it was that they were placed in their bolt-hole with the vehicle they knew so well.

Darwin Project
Paul Jackson
Freeze Date: 1968

Life is good thought Paul, as her watched Nurse Judy walk past the gurney he was laying on. Sure, it was sad that billions were going to die but that was how this war was going to work. The gene pool was going to get cleaned up and the fit would rebuild. With the Project, at least there would be guidance and key technologies would be preserved.

That is where he fitted in. Horses would power the recovery and he was going to be there to help. Not only would he work to preserve and expand the native blood lines but he would help train the next generation of Veterinarians. Much of his work would be done at state of the art Project installations staffed with the best minds that could be had. Yep, the whole Project was sweet and his role was even sweeter.

Nurse Judy swept back to his side. She checked a chart and injected another round of drugs into the line in his arm. "Relax, everything is going to be alright" she said. Then the lights went out.

MARS A-1 Bolt Hole
Outside of Walterboro, South Carolina

When Carmen felt the warming microwaves she knew that it was wakeup time. She mentally breathed a sigh of relief that everything had worked properly and she was still alive. Once the cryotube opened she sat up and stretched.

Ignoring the fact that she was dressed only in a camisole top and panties, she grabbed her I.D. card and strode over to the bolt-hole periscope while everyone else arose. Unlocking the device she slid it upwards and checked the exterior NBC levels. The levels were all within normal parameters.

Then she looked through the scope and panned in it a slow circle. Nothing looked familiar through the scope. Prior to being frozen, the team of support personnel had her make several periscope observations so that she would be able to recognize the surrounding area and its landmarks. None of the expected landmarks were there. In fact, even though this area was known as the "Low Country" prior to the "Big OOPS" it appeared to be the flat country. For as far as the eye could see it was nothing but green grass with large brown patches interspersed amongst it. There were very few trees and those she saw appeared to be fairly young. The grove of ancient oak trees she expected to see to the west were gone.

The sun was shining though, and the periscope instruments told her that the outside temperature was 47 degrees Fahrenheit. Panning the scope upwards she saw a few feathery high altitude cirrus clouds floating by, carried by a south wind. Curiosity got the better of her and she checked the bolthole computer for a date time check. The small screen displayed a flashing "MALFUNCTION" warning and nothing else. No date/time stamp was visible on the screen (normally in the right hand corner). Checking the analog elapsed run time counter Carmen found that the reading was 137 hours of elapsed run time. The numbers lined up unevenly. The range of the meter was 99999. The meter displayed 00137.

Carmen muttered out of the corner of her mouth, “Sleepy time over, boys. Rise and shine. Prepare personal gear and weapons first, then start on the vehicle."

Beyond the periscope was a small metal table that wasn't there prior to freezing. It had a large aluminum pan with a sealed cardboard top. The lid was labeled: Morrow Industries, Ration, Replenishment. The label further explained that this ration would serve five people all the needed nutrients required after wake up and that once open it should be consumed immediately. In large print at the bottom of the label wass a warning: DO NOT REUSE OR FREEZE!

Next to the family size TV dinner pan was 5 bottles, quart size. These squeeze bottles were labeled: Morrow Industries, Drink, Rehydration. Each was a sickly pea green in color, the contents...not the bottle. The bottle was clear. Near the five bottles was a small manual entitled: Wake Up Procedures. In smaller print: (Or how to survive long enough to leave the bolthole.)

The manual was roughly 10 or 12 pages thick and looked like a standard military tech manual. A small round dish, also covered with a cardboard top was labeled: Morrow Industries, Ration, Replenishment, Canine. NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION!

"Wakee wakee.. eggs and bakee. (I hope.. mutters Jack). Sliding out of tube "JEESE N RICE, damn this floor is cold. Bullet fetch my slippers will ya." The expected blank expression on Bullet follows, and the also expected full run of Bullet to his morning ruff housing. "

Boys" says Carmen, and looks back into the periscope to again look around. "Sam, I want you…” her voice trailed off as she glanced over her shoulder at Paul Jackson, “Who are you? And where is Sam Tyler?”

Kenji slips out of the haze of sleep as the cryo tube opens with a hiss and a click. He sits up and shakes his head to clear away the fogginess. Carmen's voice brings him back to reality as he swings his feet to the floor.

"Alright, alright, I'm up!"

Kenji mutters to him self, "Damn, I feel like shit. All of the hangover and none of the fun.”

Kenji kneels down at the end of the tube and swipes his ID through the card slot. The door opens and he grabs his gear out of the locker. Kenji digs through the pack and starts to get dressed. He gets his pants and one sock on when he hears Carmen talking to someone."

Where was I,, oh yes Nurse Judy after rounds at the barn I going to exercise the Polo Ponies, please hold my calls... Nurse Judy? %$W#$% what is in my mouth? I am awake, where is the Tech? Maybe the tube failed! I got to get out!

Paul forces himself to a upright position in the tube just in time to see and hear Carmen say "Who are you? And where is Sam Tyler?"

Kenji stands as he looks back towards Carmen and then to the stranger.

"Yeah, just who the hell are you? You got some explaining to do."

Paul is a bit taken back and blurts out, "Well sweetie who the %$@# are you and who the %$#5 is Sam Tyler", in a unique Seabee sort of way. Composing himself he tries again, "I apologize for my rudeness, My name is Paul Jackson I am a Veterinarian who was not expecting to wake here. I am also afraid I do not know who Sam Taylor is. Would you mind showing me your ID card?"

Carmen paused a moment and smiled sweetly. "Utta ka tanga muy puerto da fortanto presidia."

She flipped him her I.D. card. "Since we're showing off our command of language, I thought I'd do the same. By the way, you won't impress me with that. I've seen sailors run away, blushing crimson from what I just said. The rough translation would be that it looks like I'm your %$@# team leader. Like it or not."

She shook her head and grinned ruefully. This time the smile was warm, not sugary. "Pardon my manners. I was raised on the streets of Rio Di Janeiro and sometimes it leaks through. We're all jumpy. I'll forget it just as long as you don't ever call me sweetie again. If you do, you'll be walking bowlegged for a week. You can call me maam, boss, lady, or bitch for all I care. As long as you leave the sweetie thing alone."

She held out her hand to Paul. "Carmen works best though."

The girl started wolfing down the food that was left. "Man, this is good." Wiping her mouth she said, "Okay guys, time for the gear. Getting the cosmoline off those weapons is a real chore."

Turning to Paul she spoke quickly, "Obviously things have gone differently than any of us planned. So here's the long and short of it. We don't have time to learn you. So listen and please answer quickly."

"We are a MARS fire support team. Designated A-1. Until we know different, you'll be loader and machinegunner if you can handle that."

Carmen pointed to Roy. "That big lug is the gunner. If you don't know how to be a mortar loader, you do exactly as he tells you. First time, every time. When get a chance we'll get you up to speed."

She started grabbing her own personal gear and went to work on the stickily packed Atchisson Machine Shotgun.

"Okay everyone, listen up. We have to adjust. I'm counting on everyone helping Paul get adjusted as quickly as possible. We get prepped in this order; weapons, personal gear, vehicle."

She shook her head, "Something's wrong. As soon as you guys get the vehicle going, we need to check the autonav. The terrain is different from when we were put here. So either we have been moved, or we've been here a lot longer than we thought we would."

Carmen finished up with the Atchisson and shoved a magazine into the weapon. After slinging it, she reached out and scratched the Black Labrador behind the ears then moved to her pistol to clean that.

Paul walks over with this awful box of parts sets down and starts assembling and eating. "Carmen I want to take a patrol out and locate a restaurant. It is the only reasonable thing to do. I think we may be able to trade the mortar for a meal or two."

Ms. Valdez raised her eyebrows and shook her head. From her expression she got the joke, but didn't find it funny. "How much do you know about machineguns and mortars?"

Paul replied, "I checked out my equipment load and it looks like I was set up to be your Corpsman. That is good because in all honesty I am not much of a shot. I been thinking do you really want me on the Machine gun?"

The Brazilian born girl raised a hand to pause their newcomer. "Roy, it looks like you're on the Machinegun."

"Sam was also our mechanic, can you do that?"

After she spoke, Paul continued. "I looked at the V-150 and I have a question? Who did you piss off? I will try to keep it going but it may break real bad real quick. The thing looks like it was shot when they packed it. What else can I do? Well, I am a demolition demon and a certified leader of men."

With that Paul puts an oddly shaped pistol on the table and starts on another pile of parts. "So Carmen what is the plan? If we have time I would like to take a day or so to survey the local wildlife and run some tests or do we have to scoot? It might be a good idea to run the V-150 close to the hole in case it breaks and needs to be stashed for a while. It has been setting for a little longer than it was meant to, so we might have a problem early on. Paul slips another freshly assembled pistol into his belt. "Man I need a smoke."

Carmen chuckled, "You finally said something funny. Don't underestimate Buster. Old soldiers get old because they can fight."

After finishing her gear she walked over to Buster. "The vehicle is stored properly. The engine has been drained and hermetically sealed. All rubber hoses and seals have been packed in lube and sealed. It'll take a couple hours to get the old boy going... but trust me, he'll go."

She patted the hull of the old vehicle fondly.

"Some of the Project minds felt that it was possible that some pockets of resistance may exist or that the war may have continued on a conventional basis after wake up. If there is a war going on, the project can't help people rebuild. So our job is to end it."

She chambered a round in her pistol and set the safety on with a click that echoed in the bolt hole. She slipped the pistol in her holster and cocked the hammer. Then she laid the tie-down strap across the pistol UNDER the hammer and lowered the hammer onto the strap before snapping it. That made the pistol extremely ready, but doubly safe. Her preferred means of carrying it.

"Our mission is to provide military type assistance to any project team in need of aid. If military aid is not needed, then we perform duties as assigned by Command Team UC-24S or other higher authority. In the event higher authority cannot be contacted in a timely manner, we follow the three Morrow Project general orders."

Carmen drew her KCB-70 bayonet and started cutting open bags. "Roy, here's your baby. Get that mortar set up." Then she continued opening bags.

"I'm sure you know the general orders, Paul. Assist those in need, wherever and whenever possible to the best of your abilities without incurring undue risk to the overall mission of the team. Link up and coordinate with other Morrow Project teams. And survive."

Carmen glanced up from her work, "As far as I'm concerned you can do all the wildlife study you want. In your spare time, if we have any. Personally, I'm curious myself. But, we are a MARS team, Mr. Jackson. We protect and serve. Peacefully if possible. By threat of force if that doesn't work. And by harsh application of force as a last resort."

As she cut the last bag open, she sighed heavily and leaned against the wall, "I'd be happiest if we never had to fire a gun in a hostile action. Don't like them myself. But... there's a world out there with people who need us. Even if things have gone horribly wrong somehow, there's always some bully on the block that thinks he has the right to push other people around because he can. In a world gone mad, the restraints come off. He doesn't have to be afraid of the law, or justice, or prison. He can steal, butcher, extort, rape, and terrorize to his heart's content. You can bet he's out there. Him, and who knows how many more, just like him. And he's OUR job."

Carmen pushed herself off the wall and walked up to Paul, "This team was carefully sized and trained to do a specific job. Each person knew their position and how it related to the others. We could do the "Gunner's Hop" in three quarters of the time a veteran army crew was expected to. Well, you're here now. Our ability to function and survive increases dramatically from the very moment that you accept our mission and take it as your own. I'm counti... no that's not right."

She shook her head, "We are ALL counting on you to adjust quickly, to take our job to heart, and to learn your new position as soon as you can. So is that person out there who watched his farm burned, his livestock stolen, his sons murdered, and his wife and daughters taken into slavery."

She put one hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "The question that I NEED to know is, can all of us count on you?"