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Roy Rogers Wayne

Age at final freeze: 28
Born: 1947
Height = 6'0"
Weight = 220lbs
Hair Color = Brown
Eye Color = Brown
Medium to Large Body Size
Right Handed
Blood Type = A+

Roy never knew his mother or father. He was raised in the orphanage. Roy guesses his name was a joke from someone on the day of his birth, but they gave him his role models to shape his life after. As Roy grew up in his school years his strengh lead him to be known as the kid who you didn't mess with and not to be bulling the other kids when he was around or you had to face him.

He was never great in school, but he did like pysical education. The Teacher of Pysical Education was a devoted bachelor, who loved kids and would take Roy with him on weekends camping. By the time Roy had finished high school, the teacher had taught him to be a good outdoorsman. The teacher, a Korean War Vet., convinced Roy to join the marines.

The Marines just loved Roy. He was strong, fast and not the smartest apple in the basket, but still the best recruit in Boot Camp at the time and was offered Sniper School which he took. Roy excelled in that school also so his next stop was Nam. He put his skills to good use as a marine sniper and racked up a kill score of over 40 in his two tours. But killing was not what Roy had dreamed of doing with his life.

Roy's dream was to be the hero saving people who could not save their selves and not a killer. The day to fulfill his dreams came true in 1968 during the Tet Offensive. He was coming back from a mission in which he had lost his spotter to a mine. He come across a Cong patrol with four white women prisoner, all in army nurse's uniforms. The fight was brutal and over in two minutes. Ten Cong lay dead and Roy was wounded twice. He got the women to safety and was given a hand full of medals. One of the nurse's father who was a general even tryed to get Roy the C.M.H. but settled with the Silver Star and a hero's welcome in Washington D.C.

Two weeks later, Roy was on leave enjoying the sights of Washington. When he happened upon what he thought was a robbery. Roy could not resist the urge to help. He pulled the illegal pistol he carried. Roy killed five men in less than a minute saving a man and woman he had never seen before but would become his guardians. The woman stepped up to thank Roy as a unseen sixth man appeared with a pistol aimed at her head. Roy without thinking knocked the woman out of the way ashe fired killing the sixth man, but who got off one shot which hit him in the side of the head. Roy fell to the ground in a coma with a bullet in his head.

The people, who Roy had saved was Bruce Edward Morrow and his wife. The men killed had been federal agents, who had orders to kill B.E.Morrow and wife to stop the project in its early stages. The Morrows escaped after a ambulance arrived to rush Roy to the hospital. The doctors could not remove the bullet with out killing him and it did not matter to much anyway as Roy was now charge with the murder of six Federal Agents, whose agency remained nameless. So if he was to to wake he would then be put to death.

The word came down that if Roy started to slip away that no one was to help him in any way. The next night, six men and two women in black camo and gas mask, using BZ gas and non-leathel weapons stole Roy out of the hospital. He was taken to a secert medical facility where in 1969 Roy was placed in cryosleep.

Twenty eight years later, Roy is unfrozen and the bullet is removed by the best doctors in the project. The recovery is slow and takes almost two years for Roy to get back to his full pysical stature. The mental stature is the trouble. His memories are now fragmented. His skills are still sharp but he can't remember where he learned them from.

Bruce Edward Morrow, a man to never forget a debt, put Roy into the project training program. He excelled in weapons and wilderness skills, but could barely pass the technical skills required of a M.A.R.S. branch member. The project teachers worked with Roy for three years but finally came to the conculsion that he would be a soldier and nothing else. But even the project knew that even among builders you had to have a true soldier now and then.

So Roy was trained with MARS team A-1 and refrozen in January of 2000. The Morrow Project was giving a hero another chance to be a hero. A kid no one wanted had finally found a family.