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My Medlin Family Tree

including branches of other surnames

Yellow Rose

I've been told of a Medlin Reunion in California, Missouri. 

If you have information for that reunion, please contact me.  I will gladly post all reunions here.

This picture was found behind a family portriat of the H. H. Lee family.  We don't know if she is a relative or not.  Please take a look and let me know if you recognize her.  If she looks familiar to you, she may be from your branch of the family.

LEE Wedding Picture

Have you found a long lost relative and can't decide if you are cousins, cousins once removed, second or third cousins, or 3 times removed, etc.  

Look up the relationship on my

Started in 1957 by Joe Medlin, Sr., the Jeff Medlin family
reunion has been held annually on the first Sunday in August
occurring on or after the 4th of August to celebrate the
birthday of Jefferson Davis Medlin, the third son of Henry  Medlin, who was born on August 4, 1870. Since Jeff Medlin  lived his later years with his son, Joe M. Medlin, Sr. of  Statesville, it has been a tradition to hold the reunion in  Statesville, North Carolina. Since 1989, the reunions have been  held at Statesville Skateland owned and operated by Ted Medlin, 
the son of Joe Medlin, who with his wife Alma, have so  gratiously hosted the last reunions.

~ * ~ All Medlins, their friends, and guests are always welcome at the reunions ~ * ~

Lee Chart 1 Medlin Family
Quilt Top
Medlin Chart 1
1849 - current
Lee Chart 2 Civil War Page Medlin Chart 2
1849 - Back
Lee Robert Medlin
??? - ca 1832
Lewis Medlin
1809 - 1877
York Wilson Medlin
1849 - 1915
Links Loving Eads

Yellow Rose

Family Crests

2  for the Lee Family
1 for the Skinner Family

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if any ancestors on this page
are in your personal tree.

Temporary unavailable 
is the most complete website of
Medlin Family History on the web.

The site is currently being moved to a new server so all pages may not be available at all times.


There's a Medlin Family Forum on the web.  There are lists to post your documentation, names, etc. to share with other researchers. 

If we all join and post our information there,, we will have a complete Medlin Ancestry forum for all researchers now and in the future.

I love the idea that one of my great great grandchildren may start researching his/her ancestry and have all my work available to him/her! 

It is also a way to be sure all information is saved in case of accidental loss of personal records. 

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Medlin family guestbook


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