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I think the reason we find our children as adults is because when we surrender them they tear a hole in our hearts. The hole gets bigger every year until you need a really big child to fill the hole. *******************************************************************************
When does this get better, because tonight it just doesn't feel like it ever will. I don't even know what is wrong except that I miss my son so much it is all I can do not to drive to his house and camp out on his porch or something until he gets home. I am still having such a hard time with this somedays seem to last forever. I feel just as I did when I had to leave him at the hospital 25 years ago. Damn this is hard. I am so tired of people telling me how happy i should be to have my own son back in my life, they just don't quite get it. ****************************************************************************
Guess i have been lucky since the start... he has told me he loved me from the moment we started talking. Its been easy talking to him, i am blessed. **********************************************************************
the pain that some birthmothers still feel years after relinquishment is palpable; the isolation and shame that many felt while living in a time where being an unwed mother was a disgrace; the lack of support from family and friends; and the lies they were told about how easily they would be able to get on with their lives.
The pain associated with the last 26 ½ years doesn't just go away. I still remember every day without him and what it feels like to live with that kind of pain. As I look back over the years what I price I had to pay for falling in love so young, giving my body to someone I loved and thought loved me to. I'll always wonder why it had to be me, why I had to be the one to give away my son. Even though I didn't raise him my feelings for him are just as deep as with my three other children, I would do for him anything that I would for them. All my children are special to me.
Seldom do other people recognize the dilemma we as birthmothers, were put in when we relinquished (some unwillingly) our children. We know this but still hope that some people will at least have a little empathy. I have found this to be true also, people are still SO JUDGEMENTAL where we are concerned. All you can do IS NOT ACCEPT THIS! Sometimes we have to get our backs up to defend the feelings we have, and feelings ARE JUSTIFIED! Just confide in the ones who will be supportive of you and your reunion, and just know the others are ignorant! *****************************************************************************
"there is always a reason - we do not know why" *****************************************************************************
My son was born in 1971. Like all it was not my choice. I am a firm believer and have always believed for everything "there is a reason" and this A mother's unconditional love for her child never dies ***************************************************************************
I really agree with this. We do suffer a lifetime. That experience shaped who I am today and has affected many parts of my life. And, yes, the child has to suffer.....but who told us that back in 1966???? "Honey, you'll just forget all about this and your baby will be better off." HA....!!! We were so manipulated and so misled and the saddest part is that we didn't even know. At least I didn't. I was too scared and in shock the whole time that I just did what they said...blindly just trying to put one foot in front of the other. **************************************************************************
<< reunion and I am trying to focus on that, but I feel very guilty sometimes for not realizing years ago how he might feel about losing me. I knew how I felt about losing him. When I first saw him and looked in his eyes I knew how much he had also missed me. That still hurts "sandi" **************************************************************************** I will never ever hurt you, my door will always be open to you I've lived with enough pain, heartache and tears for the both of us throughout the years. I always have and will always love you. Every moment I spend with you is a treasure. You will always hold a very special place in my heart.
A mother's unconditional love for her child never dies. ***************************************************************************************** He walked me to my van, that's when I finally got to hold him in my arms once again, we stood on the street just holding each other. Oh my god what a feeling a feeling I can't even describe there is no word to describe that feeling it was just so wonderful. It was like I was giving birth to him all over again, holding him for the first time. Our first meeting on 3/7/98 is engraved in my heart & soul forever. ******************************************************************************************* Our loss makes us unique in our experience but alike in our quest to reconnect and heal. Life is a like a tapestry and ours is a little more colorful than ordinary peoples. Love to you all, "Linda MN" ************************************************************

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