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Welcome to Soonerbaby's Photo Gallery!!!

Like the walls of a home,
pics of my family & friends also have a
special place here just as they have a
special place in my life.

Tiffany's Mommy
Here is my Mom around age 25, I think.
This is the 1st pic of her I ever had
which I could keep for my very own.
If she ever knew I had it,
it's quite possible I would really get it!!!
Why? I took it without asking.
Not only is it a good pic of her,
but her sense of style for clothing
I have to admit was pretty groovy!

Steve & Tiffany's Familly at our Wedding

This is a picture of our family at our wedding on May 12th, 1996.

From left to right:
My Step-Grandma - Alpha Sommerville
My Step-Dad - Phillip Sommerville
My Mommy - Ann Sommerville
Me - Tiffany
My Husband - Steve
Steve's Mom - Jo Ann Stokes
Steve's Dad - Robert Stokes
Steve's Grandma - Nellie Soto
Our Niece - Brittany Lee-Soto

wedding party
My Maid-of-Honor is my bestest friend, Tiffany Holman
The Flower Girl is our Niece, Brittany Lee-Soto
My husbands Best Man is his friend, Dennis Bookout

Steve & Soonerbaby the Easter Bunny

This picture was taken April 9th, 1998.
I was the Easter Bunny at Penn Square Mall in OKC, OK.
My husband & I just had to have our picture taken together!!!


This was taken February 4th, 1999.
Not too long after our son, Mason arrived in the world.
My Husband Steve, our Daughter & Big Sister Mercedes,
& of course, our new Son, Mason.

Mason Robert Stokes

Mason Robert Stokes
February 4th, 1999 at 12:18 p.m.
6 pounds 12 ounces
18 1/2 inches long

He was named after Steve's Father,
Robert Ray Stokes since I ended up pregnant
2 weeks after he passed away.

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